How does a computer science major use the library?

Mary Loutsch
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2017

For this week’s media assignment, I decided to upload my second interview with a student. I’m focusing my project on how UMBC students use the library and whether their major influences the way that they use it. This week I interviewed Riya, a computer science major taking classes full time at UMBC. As a computer science major she uses the library often because she has to work with group members from her class. The library was an ideal location for her to meet group members because of its convenient location near her classes. Usually she goes to the 2nd floor with her group members because they can sit at larger tables and talk with each other. Even though she uses the library often, she has never needed to use the books or resources (such as reference librarians). She also admitted that she only has to write papers for one class and she primarily uses sources online when she needs them. From this interview, I have gathered that students do need the library but they need it as more of a space to work rather than a location to gather information.

