How people felt about “A Day Without A Woman”

Cali Drouillard
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readMar 13, 2017

Women’s March organizers planned one the largest single-day demonstration in U.S. history back on January 21st, 2017 and followed up with A Day Without A Woman on International Women’s Day, March 8th. Protests were held around the country and people were encouraged to not participate in any labor (paid or unpaid), wear red in solidarity, and not to spend money. The day was meet with both support and opposition, but regardless the event made and impact and got people talking.

The event was created to bring awareness to the inequality that exists between men and women in our country and to the rights that all females deserve. In this video from Boston Herald, they went around their city and asked people how whether they had heard of the event and how they felt.

