Media experiment: the screenwork experience of a video game designer

Conor Kennedy
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2017

My media experiment examines the relationship a video game design student possesses with his screens, and the amount of pure screenwork done on their end. My research will be diving into how video game programmers/designers are impacted by how heavily (almost solely) their work involves screens. My video shows a student currently working on one of his games, and how his eyes for the entirety of the work stay locked on his computer, and even when he tries to communicate with his peers about the game they are all working on, communication is still done with the use of the screen, as well as the only sounds being generated come from typing, clicking, breathing, and the computer’s fan. This directly relates to my work as it demonstrates what the experience is like for them, and partly provides an answer to one of my questions: how does screenwork impact teamwork and cooperation among peers and coworkers?

