Media experiment: The sound and color of one night

Sim Rivers
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2017

This media experiment pairs selected audio clips from an interview with footage from the same night. I showed up to interview my subject, Kathrin Bizzarro, around 11 pm. While I was waiting, I decided to film myself entering both of the rehearsal spaces being utilized for the night, and see who I found. The individuals who appear are the first people I saw upon entering the room. The pairing of what we discussed in the interview with the first people I saw in each of the spaces, working on productions for the department late into the night, provides an interesting contrast. The viewer should also know that all of the individuals pictured — Devin McKay, Ramon Burris, Neda Yeganeh, and Liz Ung — are actors, despite three of the four working instead in production positions this semester.



Sim Rivers
Media Ethnography

Millennial Professor-Dad-Type trying to rebrand as Living-Above-My-Means-Artist. I try to write what I know to find out what I don’t.