My Sensorial Experience in a city.

Joseph Michael Homa
Media Ethnography
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2017

For this weeks experiment I went ahead and created a video based on what my sensorial experience would be on the following picture:

Source: (
Joseph Homa’s Youtube video on Sensorial Experience. Source:(

Before I created the created the video I first really studied and examined the picture itself. My first thought that came to mind was New York City. I have been to New York City many times and thought of different sounds that could help the viewer/listener get a real sense they were actually there. I used Zapsplat for all of the sounds for my video. My main goal was to utilize all the sounds you’d hear in the city such as construction noises, to people talking to even possible musical numbers that you might hear in a city.



Joseph Michael Homa
Media Ethnography

I’m a 90's O.G. Please don’t shorten your words type them out entirely! Strive for greatness and share your passion.