Ethnographic Vignette

Micah Lopez
Media Ethnography
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2018

These past few days, I have been thinking about what should be my topic for my ethnographic essay. I have been researching and reading some articles, but I realized that I can do about my friend who was born in the Philippines but raised in the US. Despite of being raised in the US, he can still speak Tagalog fluently. When he got in the US, he received different kinds of bullying because he couldn’t speak or had a hard time to speak in English when he was in grade school. Another thing that I can add with my ethnographic essay is about two of my friends from different race, and culture. In spite of the differences, they still have same characteristics.

Being a bilingual sounds fun because you know and can speak two languages, but it is hard at the same time especially when you didn’t grow in the US because of the different accent. Sadly, some people will laugh at you. Well, it was different in the case of my friend, he was raised here but still some of his former classmates used to bully him because of his accent. For my essay, I will tackle or show a video of me interviewing him about his past life when he got here, and how he complete adjusted despite of many former schoolmates bullied him.

I like how he showed his ethics to his former classmates or schoolmates because he didn’t fight back. He didn’t punch them or anything. Another thing that I would like to add is the interview with my two friends because they experienced bullying too. They were born and raised in different country, but in spite of that, they showed how to stand for themselves as long as they are not hurting any people. And because of that, I would like to share the stories of them on my project. According to Boellstorf, “ This chapter describes what it means to be an ethical leader and why it is critical in organizations. It also describes a number of strategies leaders can utilize to improve their own ethical leadership as well several practices leaders can implement to create an ethical organizational culture”. I think my friends showed ethics which I want to share and use for my essay.

Source: Google Photos

Boellstorff, “Ch. 8: Ethics”

