Progressives take a stand and begin to fight back

Cali Drouillard
Media Ethnography
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2017

Bernie Sanders, a former Democratic nominee for President and senator of Vermont, has played a huge role in the movement of Progressive’s across the country. Since he announced he would be running for President my friends and I, along with millions of other people, were ecstatic about his proposed policies and beliefs. He was fighting to back the lives better of every single person in this country and not just the top 1%. He was and is extremely vocal about what he believes in and how he plans to fix the problems in our country. Even when he lost the Presidential nominee he still did not lose his faith or put a halt to his plans, but instead he fought back twice as hard.

After Hillary Clinton lost and Donald Trump became President, Bernie was much more vocal about the policies Donald Trump has/had proposed and the proposals that should be put into effect. Bernie believes in raising taxes for the rich to help the poor, giving paid maternity leave, making college free for students, rebuilding infrastructure, and much more. For many Progressive millennials this is exactly the kind of person they want to lead our country.

During the Presidential election season UMBC students had made a Facebook page titled “UMBC Students for Bernie Sanders.” He was extremely popular among UMBC students because of his beliefs and policies and when he did not get the nomination many students at UMBC, along with people around the world, were heartbroken. This lead to the Facebook page being titled “UMBC Progressives.”

Together we have created a group that not only supports the equality and justice of all people, but is also actively trying to make a difference. From organizing meetings and protests to sharing posts so others can gain valuable information, UMBC Progressives are following in the path created by Bernie Sanders. A path where ideas of universal health care, women’s rights, climate change policies, and more aren’t “crazy.”

The Democratic party has been controversial ever since “rumors” had spread about the DNC (Democratic National Committee) since Hillary Clinton became the nominee and Bernie Sanders has been actively trying to put them “back into check.” Instead of focusing on the DNC wants, Bernie is fighting back against them for the needs of the people in our country. A new DNC chair was being selected and Bernie Sanders was actively trying to get the committee to go in a much more Progressive direction so that better policies would be put into place. Keith Ellison had been selected as the new DNC chair and Bernie Sanders believes that he will help to make some real changes to not only the Democratic party, but our country.

