The latest act committed against the LGBTQ community from Trump admin

Cali Drouillard
Media Ethnography
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2017

With just over a month into our new president’s four year term, we have already seen dramatic changes that are affecting millions of people in our country.

The most recent action taken against minorities in our country was Trump’s decision to repeal the Obama law that allowed for transgender students to use the bathroom/locker rooms that identifies with their gender. Many people have stood with this bill since the day it was introduced and as the government tries to take it away, more and more people are taking a stand.

Social media has played a huge role in their ability to fight against the repeal of the bill along with donating to organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). One of the main concerns that Republicans is a “good reason” to repeal the ban is attacks that could be committed against women and young girls. However, there are no reports whatsoever to support this so called claim.

In fact, there are statistics that prove transgendered people are most likely to be attacked when they are using public restrooms. I have supported this bill since it was introduced, but my family was against the bill because of the fear that women and young girls would be the victims of violence and sexual assault.

Since I have a seven year old sister this was the only claim that my parents would use in opposition to the bill. Whenever I try to have a conversation with my parents about the bill or politics in general, it always ends with us yelling at each other and then walking away. When I talk to my friends, they understand and agree with me. They feel the same way I do about the bill/politics and we can have productive conversations.

t’s hard to understand why so many current government officials are so against transgender human beings, but it’s important to understand that these bills affect everyone. Conversations among peers have all come down to one thing; we need to do something. While saying “we should do something” and actually doing something are two different things, it’s important to know how to start your push back against the government.

Getting to know your laws, writing to legislators, and pushing back against myths are all ways Bustle website has listed for making a change. Go to your county’s school board and talking with them about these important issues. Debunk myths with facts about these issues.

In the book, A Problem of Presence Beyond Scripture in an African Church, Matthew Engelke explains how the Friday apostolics reject the Bible due to its irrelevance in their lives. This is also the case for many Republicans/those opposed to the bill because they do not have to go through life everyday living like transgender people. They don’t see the negative impact taking away these bills can cause. Rather they only see and believe what they think is right or good.

