The policies that affect our future-and not in a good way

Cali Drouillard
Media Ethnography
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2017

Our planet is extremely important to many people and they do everything they can to ensure it will still be around much longer after we’re gone. However, there are some people who do not have this same belief and our currently going back to policies that will destroy our planet.

Climate change is a very controversial topic with lots of scientific evidence supporting its existence yet there are people, including our current President, who do not believe in this evidence. During his Presidency, Obama created some of the most important environmental policies that positively affected our planet. Unfortunately, Donald Trump just recently changed or got rid of some important policies.

The first policy is the Climate Action Plan which focused on cutting carbon pollution in the United States, prepping infrastructure for climate change, and making the U.S. one of the top global leaders fighting climate change. The second policy is the Clean Power Plan which limited the amount of carbon pollution that power plants could release. The third policy that was rescinded is the moratorium on the federal coal program that halted all new applications for coal leasing on federal lands.

Along with getting rid of these important policies the nominations for positions within the Trump administration are extremely dangerous for the future of our planet. Majority of the Republican nominations agree with Trump and support his decision to end these policies. Reasons behind this support and reasoning for cutting these policies all stems from money and the top 1% of our country.

When something brings in a lot money, most businesses and companies don’t care about its effects on people or the environment. As long as they get their money and have power they don’t care about anything else. This has been a huge reason behind many of Trump’s policies during his time as President. The poor seem to be getting poorer and sicker while the rich get richer and live better lives.

Now that we have a businessman and entertainer as a President it’s no surprise we have these policies and bills being taken away and added in. As it states in the book Reel World: An Anthropology of Creation by Anand Pandian “We often think of cinema in just this way: as a stream of images that obscure reality, screen us from the actual conditions of our lives, disable us from reflecting upon the truth of our experience.” This example of cinema is similar to how the rich view life and society. Due to their lack of experience and ability to empathize with the poor they are never able to understand what they have to go through on a day to day basis.

There is a strong divide between our current president, administration, society and world. However, as long as we have people continuing to fight for the right path in life and trying to save our world and help every member of society there is hope that we can survive however long this administration lasts.

