The Yu-Gi-Oh! market, how do prices change so quickly!?

Frederick Henderson
Media Ethnography
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2017

Yu-Gi-Oh! is a Trading Card Game developed and launched by Konami in 1998. While many players play for fun, others enjoy the competitive aspect of the game. There are several online programs that help players test out cards before spending real money — one benefit of online access. In addition, the Yu-Gi-Oh! community brings in individuals who view the game as a growing business and potential capital. The question arises: What indicators do Yu-Gi-Oh! players use to justify the fluctuations in card prices? Why do these cards hold that value at any given time?

My Theory is that evolving trends and leaked information causes the cost of cards to fluctuate. An example would be if one day a card was worth $3. At the time of Nationals, only one player uses that card and wins the tournament. News will spread and what was once $3, becomes $30. As investors see this news, they try to pick up as many copies of the card as possible and sell them to those who wish to follow this movement, thus spiking the market. “To predict is to profit. To do nothing is fine too.”

New Product — Konami (Source:

I will put forth my theory through research in two Yu-Gi-Oh! Facebook groups, as well as observe individuals at a local card shop. One of the two groups are managed by local Maryland players, so I will actively observe and participate within that community. The shortcomings presented is the limited time to do accurate analysis of the market, along with lack of data on previous trends. Certain groups only allow for posts to be seen past a given date, which can be excused. Another shortcoming that I might have is the lack of first-hand experience at a tournament. As my theory focuses on this aspect, I must gather information from other sources, including players who follow the “meta”. In addition, since this research is solely focused within the Yu-Gi-Oh! community, please excuse any bias that is presented within the work and within the Trading Card Game economy.

White Collar Yu-Gi-Oh! (Source:

The research conducted as mentioned is limited due to time constraints, therefore the data collected shows the market analysis for a 4-week span. Giving account to several interviews and active participation, I hope that this will not pose an issue to the integrity of the piece.

