What Theory?

Doreen Amin
Media Ethnography
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2017

For the final paper, I’m going to focus on the theory of how people have changed their nutrition habits. Nutrition has been around for many years now, and the main way that people kept track of it before cell phones and computers was going to see a nutritionist, who would create a work out plan and an eating guide. They would help a person keep track of how they are doing with the program with a weekly weigh-in. This has changed dramatically with the help of computers and the internet. People are now able to find new recipes that will work within their diets and create a new workout program that can still create the same results. They can also get into a program and communicate with others who are in the same program and gain the motivation that they need to succeed. Once creators where able to create applications for phones, people chose to opt out of the more traditional aspect of going to a nutritionist. People can use apps on their personal cell phone now to achieve what they want. By using a app, they can create a program with whatever time they have in their day to get a quick workout in.


Currently Fitbit is the leader in how we track the number of steps we take and the amount of sleep we get. This, with a normal pattern or routine, will help people become the best that they can be. Once someone has chosen a app that they want to use they can find a healthy eating app that will work within their exercise program, so they can achieve the maximum benefits. They won’t have to spend money, and they can lose weight and control every aspect of the weight loss without leaving the comfort of their own home.

