Who is the real threat to our country?

Cali Drouillard
Media Ethnography
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2017

Even before Trump became President our country, especially millennials, had a fear of what he was going to do. Everything was focused on him and what he was planning, but the bigger fear lies within Congress. Both houses in Congress are under Republican control and this means there is little resistance met when sending bills to Trump’s desk. These bills being proposed are extremely dangerous to our country and society, but are also being met with strong opposition.


Nine new policies are being pushed to Congress as the country focuses on Trump and his administration’s relationship to Russia. While it seems “unlikely” that these bills will be passed and put into effect, it’s still upsetting and scary to know that these bills were even created. Terminating the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), criminalizing abortion, and terminating the Department of Education are just three of the bills currently introduced.

Social media has been the prominent space for people to discuss these bills and encourage others to become aware that they exist. These bills and similar ones that will be introduced are going to affect the our future and the future of those after us. This is why so many millennials are vocal about politics and outspoken about their views on these important issues.

Liberal is often the term thrown out when talking about millennials and politics, but a new label has emerged. Progressive. Especially with bills, the nine new ones included, all benefiting Republicans and the richest people in our country, Progressives want for the government to start playing by a new set of rules that benefits everyone.


Education, women’s rights, immigration, and the environment are the biggest issues Progressives are fighting for that Republicans are trying to essentially “destroy” with these recent bills and more. Progressives have been calling their senators, protesting, and donating to organizations to not only stop the President, but to stop Congress. Through social media, Progressives have been actively vocal about state and midterm elections happening and encouraging people to learn more about these important events.

In Fado Resounding the author writes about the sound of fado and how it is expressed through aesthetic within the history of fado stating “It pushes questions that were decades ago glossed in relation to “structure” into the domain of thinking about aesthetic forms in circulation and public feeling.” This is similar to what the new Progressive Era is where people are fighting back against what the government is telling them and trying to do when it comes to injustices committed against the lower and middle class.

There has been an extreme shift between Progressive and Republicans in the recent years and it seems to be a repeat of history. The only difference is that social media exists today where the fight back is easier and more visible than ever. The past may already have been written, but our future is still extremely uncertain especially when thinking about the bills so many government officials are pushing.

