Child Marriage and Domestic Abuse

GI Labs
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

Child marriage is truly global problem that cuts across countries, culture, religion and ethnicities. Child brides can be found in every region in the world, from the Middle East to Latin America, South Asia to Europe.

Child marriage in South Asia is rooted in gender inequality. Girls are primarily expected to become wives and mothers and have limited educational; or employment opportunities. Control of female sexuality and fear of sexual violence also underline the practice. Poverty is factor too; girls from poorer families are more likely to marry young than girls from wealthier background.

The dowry system, involving a cash or in-kind payment from the bride’s family to the groom’s at the time of marriage, is another institution that disempowers women. The incidence of dowry payment, which is often a substantial part of a household’s income, has been steadily rising over time across all regions and socioeconomic classes. This often results in dowry-related violence against women by their husbands and in-laws if the dowry is considered insufficient or as a way to demand more payments.This reinforces the inferior status of Indian women and puts them at risk of violence in their marital households.


