Women and Public spaces

GI Labs
Published in
1 min readJul 25, 2018

Women are taught and have trained to shrink in public spaces, to occupy as little space as possible, to keep our heads down and walk fast. The myriad of ways in which public spaces are unwelcoming of us is drilled into us. Choosing to occupy them anyway is rewarded by mental and physical violence being inflicted upon us.

Sexual harassment is a common form of sexual violence that can affect women’s economic opportunities. It often takes place in public places where women travel to and from school and work, such as public streets but also buses and train stations. Sexual harassment may therefore impact women’s ability to move freely in public places, and influence their decision to join the labour market and/or the kinds of jobs they pursue.

Resources: https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/PST045217



