Flat mates to friends.

Basic tips to avoid fallouts in your flats.

Megan Stead
Media Makers
3 min readOct 10, 2019


Moving to uni can be scary due to you leaving everyone and everything you know behind, the experience can be daunting for anyone wether they are moving far or just down the road. New students often fear that they may not make friends and get lonely or scared that you may not be able to look after yourself e.g. cook and clean and wash your clothes the same way your mum does! Moving out is a major life event but it doesn’t have to be terrifying, it can be an exciting chance to be independent, explore new things and meet new people to become your friends for life. Most of them friends can be found in your new homes.

Google images. Edited Canva.

“Everyone’s in the same boat” is something you will hear a lot in your first couple of weeks but it’s true, most of you are starting a new adventure alone so don’t be afraid to talk to new people and to say yes! When you move in, you’ll meet so many new people, some you may instantly connect with and others you may not see eye to eye with but it is important to remember you are going to live with them for the next 3years (maybe) so my number one tip; be respectful to everyone. You don’t want to feel tense and on edge every time you enter the kitchen. If something bothers you just approach the situation like an adult, try to come up with a solution and if the problem persists then report it for example; if someone is playing their music too loud, the university will solve it much better than you banging on their door demanding them to be quiet.

My next tip, tidy up after yourself. No one wants to see your dirty pots stacked up on the kitchen counter or food left out on the side. In fact 61% of people agreed that this was the most annoying habit you could have In order to live together you need some order and cleanliness otherwise it will become too much, people will become unhappy and you will become unpopular to live with. Many people find washing up and cleaning a hard to task to motivate themselves to do so maybe buddy up with a new flat mate, stick your favourite song on and make chores something fun, something you want to do. It can make a great bonding experience.

Photo by Cara Geertsema

The first few weeks of uni you expect to go out a lot. Clubbing is a freshers favourite so even if you don’t go out, you’ll certainly hear people stumbling home in the early hours of the morning. If you are a party animal a tip is to remember to be quiet as you come back in. I know after a few shots, double vodka and cokes that can be challenging but people may have lectures the following day, you don’t want to make them tired and you also don’t want to annoy them, especially so soon. Most people will be understanding but maybe an apology to everyone wouldn’t go amiss, you could even invite them out next time you go out to make up for it and come stumbling back together, after all nights out together are an excellent way to bond.

Photo by Brittany Martin.

My final tip is just go and have fun! Make an effort with everyone and socialise as much as possible with those around you. Don’t hide away in your room because believe me it’ll only make you feel worse. Make the most of it because it’s an experience you’ll never get back. Good luck!

