men in blazers

Harold Check
Media Nugget


Thanks to a steady stream of lo-fi “Panic Room” broadcasts on ESPN during last year’s World Cup, the Men in Blazers — self-effacing British expats Michael Davies and Roger Bennett — have rocketed to a scalp-tingling level of former obscurity. Now, the pair are sharing their brand of sub-optimal commentary on NBC’s coverage of the English Premier League. Their TV appearances are great, but for the true fan of highbrow/lowbrow buddy patter, you must go straight to the “pod.” That’s Blazerspeak for “podcast,” just one of hundreds of delightful coinages and in-jokes that pepper the weekly shows, along with recurring discussions on the absurdity of sports personalities, the nature of fandom, and the FIFA-manipulated “narrative” that dictates the outcome of matches — as well as our humble commentators’ emotional lives. It doesn’t hurt that the guests who visit the Men’s studio in “the crap part of SoHo” are an eclectic bunch, and usually great sports themselves. Recent episodes have seen John Green, John Oliver, Mix Diskerud (the “Nordic Messi”), and Robert Carlock (producer of The Unbreakable Kimmie Schmidt) grace the mic. Perhaps the podcast is best enjoyed by those with a keen interest in professional soccer, but for those who might be ready to take the leap and are in the market for a far-ranging, yet always hilarious discussion to feel a part of, Men in Blazers is a cut above sub-optimal.

