Whats up with all these rogue Twitter accounts?

Asa Richerson
Media Theory and Criticism 2017
3 min readApr 8, 2017

Twitter has been in Facebook’s monolithic shadow since its incarnation and just recently started to find its own niche. The quirky combination of character limits leads to both hilarious content and compact press releases. Personally, Twitter is my favorite social media because of its unique combination of facts and fun. While Twitter previously was viewed as more of a fun, lighthearted social media platform, political events over the last two years have transformed the platforms image. Alas, the lone social media that our parents hadn’t discovered has been revealed. Thanks Obama.

After President Trump’s infamous gag order in January, Twitter erupted in outrage. More than 100 accounts have been created to protest Trump’s order. Accounts like Rogue POTUS Staff and RogueNASA were established to combat Trump. These “rogue” accounts all claim to spread “the truth” and spread facts. But… how does anyone know that these accounts are actually valid?

That’s what I find so interesting about these accounts. They are gaining attention in national media and are consistently popping up on my timeline, yet these unverified accounts have no credibility. Regardless, people are throwing their support for this cause in droves. President Trump’s most recent actions have only helped to boost these accounts in popularity.

In an attempt to stifle some of these accounts, Trump and the federal government demanded that Twitter reveal who was behind the @ALT_ucis account. The account targets those who are anti-immigration. Twitter, however, refused to hand over the requested information, saying that “ The rights of free speech … include a right to disseminate such anonymous or pseudonymous political speech.” Trump eventually backed down and did not enter the lawsuit with Twitter, marking a huge victory for both these rogue accounts.

Whether or not you agree with the political actions and decisions of the accounts, Twitter definitely made the right decision here. Defending their users not only builds their credibility and reputation, it also helps foster a platform for fair criticism. Even if you don’t agree with their motives or methods, supporting these accounts helps to maintain the precedent for fair criticism. This also allows this users to continue their work without fear of social persecution or isolation. (Spiral of silence theory, anyone?)

While these twitter accounts will eventually lose steam (as every popular account does), the idea behind them will not fade. There is a clear divide in the country that’s effects can be felt anywhere. Even the Syrian bombings and airstrikes are being politicized. Every major political decision is being torn apart and examined through partisan lenses, only continuing to increase the divide.

At the end of the day, I think that these Twitter accounts do provide a useful outlet for those who feel frustrated by the current state of the country. Having a group of people brave enough to stand up for what they believe in is heartwarming and helps to maintain my faith for humanity. Despite your political view, criticism is an important part of any government, and these accounts act as one such outlet.

