And It All Comes Down To Trump

Davis Pitner
Media Theory and Criticism 2016
3 min readMay 6, 2016

Get ready America because we are going to be seeing a lot more of this guy.

This past Tuesday runner up for the Republican ballot Ted Cruz dropped out of the race for the presidential campaign.

“We gave it everything we got, however the voters chose a different path.”

Throughout the primaries Cruz has been head to head with Trump in the race to be the Republican nominee however with Tuesdays loss in Indiana, Cruz had no choice but to drop out. He wasn’t the only one though to be hit hard by the Indiana primary though as John Kasich also lost to Trump by a large percentage of voters. Kasich dropped out of the race yesterday.

This now leaves Trump. While a lot of voters are celebrating his victory others have instead been burning their voter registration cards as a way to show their hatred for the businessman. Yes that’s correct, he is a businessman and not a politician. This begs the question though just how did Trump gain so much attention and support for his campaign. The answer: media.

In fact, many people have been saying that it was the media that ‘created Trump’. In this sense of the word, media can be described as being news stations or other devices that can spread information. More and more people these days have been writing stories about Trump, dressing up in Trump costumes, making Trump video games, and even making remixes of Trump in debates. According to google in these past couple months Trump has appeared to be one of the most searched names on the internet. It’s clear that the media has greatly influenced or even created Trumps rise in popularity.

How does has he gotten this much attention though? The answer can be seen in essentially anything he says or does. In these past couple months Trump has made statements in debates that have blowed every politicians mind. For example building a wall on the Mexican border, banning Muslim immigration to the U.S., and even making feminist jokes during debates. So many of the statements that he has made in this election have either been talked about or written about in social media.

This whole idea of gaining attention has actually been the main weapon for Trump in this race for candidacy. Based off of his actions Trump has essentially influenced the media to focus only him. While a lot of this attention is negative it has still drowned out all of the other candidate’s voices in this election, and has caused all of them to suspend their campaigns.

Take this remix created of Trump for example. It doesn’t have any benefactor for him or his campaign however it has generated over 1.5 million views. In fact, this has received more attention than Ted Cruz’s official advertisement for his campaign, which only had around 200,000 views. Whether it be positive or negative, the media has made Trump the front runner of this election. By only focusing on him the media has failed to look at any of the other candidates, causing Cruz, Kasich and the rest of the Republican candidates to drop out of the race. Media has unintentionally helped Trump win the Republican ballot. We will just have to wait and see who will become the next president of the United States.

