Comedian Celeste Barber Hilariously Recreates Celebrity Instagram Posts

Alexis Michael
Media Theory and Criticism 2016
4 min readMay 7, 2016
Barber attempts to pose with here legs up over her head like Beyonce. All these images are curated from

Comedian Celeste Barber has gone viral online by showing that even though celebrity Instagram photos may be intriguing to look at and admire, they aren’t always realistic. Barber’s #CelesteChallengeAccepted social media campaign shows her attempts to recreate some of the most unique social media images of famous actresses, artists, musicians and TV personalities.

“Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, non-privileged people are idiots and believe that what they are posting is real,” the comedian told BuzzFeed. “I wanted to try to show how ridiculous it would be for a ‘normal’ person to recreate some of these photos.”

Australian Comedian Celeste Barber acts as “prosumer” as she consumes these celebrity Instagram images and recreates them on her own Instagram and Facebook account by showing how ridiculous some of these celebrity actually images are. Barber’s satirical Instagram account has over 770k interested followers because of #CelesteChallengeAccepted. In the #CelesteChallangeAccepted campaign, she posts side-by-side comparing images of celebrities’ Instagram photos next her own images. Barber has taken on celebrities from performers like Lady Gaga, runway models like Gisele Bundchen, and reality TV and social media stars like the Kardashians.

On many of Barber’s recreated images, she receives negative and criticising comments about her looks and and weight. Barber doesn’t let the negative tear her down and continues to show her comfortable in her own skin with a her sense of humor.

McDonald’s is Barber’s glam squad, as Barber recreates this image by Kylie Jenner.

As Barber reveals the gap of the reality and authenticity of these images by comparing celebrity glamor and her everyday self, which results in some are pretty hilarious photos!

Here barber is imitating Justin Bieber licking a knife.
Barber shows how morning are tough in comparrision to this glamorous shot of Kim Kardashian in the morning.
Serena Wiliams stretching across two poles. Barber like many of us can’t do so.
Gisele whipping her hair back in the sea, compared to Celeste Barber getting soaked.

Past the comedy, Barber recreates these celebrity images in authentic ways. Barber’s recreation of these celebrity images are easily relatable to our every day lives. Barber shows us how we compare ourselves to unrealistic, idolized, glamorous and almost effortless images of celebrities on their social media accounts and in magazines.

“Some celebrities on Instagram seem to think we non-rich, non-privileged people are idiots and believe that what they are posting is real,” Barber told BuzzFeed. “I wanted to try to show how ridiculous it would be for a ‘normal’ person to recreate some of these photos.”

Barber has done far more than just accomplishing her comedic goal. She is also inspiring many of her followers to take a second look at the images that often effect women’s self-esteem, and value and perception of their own beauty.

“I get a lot of really positive feedback, like ‘Thanks for making me not feel so sh*t about myself’, and ‘Thanks for keeping it real,’” says Barber to BuzzFeed.

To check out more of these recreated Celebrity images and to follow the #CelesteChallengeAccepted, check out Celeste on Facebook and Instagram.

