Let’s make America great again?

Vanesa Montalvo
Media Theory and Criticism 2016
2 min readMar 4, 2016

Headline after headline there is always one name that always seems to appear, whether you support him or not he always seems to be the topic of discussion. Obviously he has had some impact on me because here I am writing about Donald Trump.

With the political debates going on, it is not surprise that all things politics are at the top of our agenda. These politicians, or should I say politicians plus one, are what we know to be opinion leaders.

So what kind of power do they hold exactly? Let me use Donald Trump’s controversial comments on Mexicans as an example. Just in case you have not heard these comments, here is a short click.

If this was a personal response on what he said I could go on and on for days and maybe a very nice one. But one of the main reasons that he made me so upset is because of the amount of influence that he has on peoples’ opinions. There is no doubt that there are many people in the United States that agree with these comments that he made.

So what happens when a political leader with such a huge media presence speaks on such touchy subject? All of a sudden there are people left and right voicing their own. They are voicing a thought that they already had but did not want to speak up until a powerful opinion leader did so first.

So going back to the question I asked at the beginning, of what power they hold exactly? They hold the power to influence the opinions of individuals who do not posses the same power that they do. They can easily influence or steer your beliefs one direction or another. Especially if one is not fully educated on a certain subject, it just makes it easier for opinion leaders to just keep feeding us false information.

Although the two-step communication flow does not always work in a negative way, it is important that we recognize that some opinion leaders may not be feeding us accurate information.

