You want to sell me oils, leggings and wraps on Facebook? Im fine with that and I’ll support you!

Alexis Michael
Media Theory and Criticism 2016
3 min readApr 9, 2016
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My Facebook newsfeed is full of candles, tote bags, jewelry, leggings, bath bombs, makeup, nail wraps, skin care, fitness pills, vitamins, body wraps and oil warmers and guess what? I LOVE IT! And I think it’s incredible! This means that I have so many fearless and ambitious friends and entrepreneurs out there who are working hard to provide for themselves and their families! These men and women are taking a leap and chance on something that can be scary! They are busting their butts to put food on the table, gas in cars, paying for sports camps, dance lessons, funding family vacations and college!

These women who work set their own hours, create their own marketing content and are having to constantly network are in an industry that isn’t easy!! Especially online when your content can be seen by everyone! Within the Network Marketing Industry you have to bust your butt to be consistent and constantly creative in your marketing efforts. To be honest, some months can be harder than others…

I may be a little more bias than others on this subject because I too sell makeup on my Facebook page. My online sales has generated almost $20,000 in sales and is what financially supports me in college, whether it is paying for my textbooks, living expenses, sorority dues and groceries. Running my businesses on Facebook has taught me many things.

Often times the biggest thing I have seen and even experienced with holding myself back is allowing the fear of what others may think of my posts repress my posting and sharing efforts. Because of the consumption of this fear which is known as the spiral of silence, there are many within the Network Marketing industry who try to run their business on Facebook and end up actually give up on themselves because the stop sharing and quit long before their success comes. However, my advise for those letting this fear hold themselves back.. is don’t let the fear of what others think of you hold you back from achieving your goals of support your self, your family and growing your business.

One of the most important marketing methods I have learned when balancing my posts on Facebook and not overwhelming my friends is the 70/30 method. 70 percent of posts my posts are non-sales messages, including inspirational quotes, pictures of my family, sorority life and softball. The other 30 percent consists of photos and videos incorporating the makeup products that I sell into my everyday activities.

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So, to all those hardworking and determined men and women out there working your businesses, KEEP it up!! Keep posting, sharing and grinding! But don’t forget to keep your posts balanced! We support you and your dreams! Don’t have the money or are not interested in using your friend’s product for yourself but want to support your friends? That is totally fine!

Did you know by just liking, commenting, and sharing your friend’s business related posts you are helping them greatly! This help generates sales, leads, and potential clients for your friends businesses.

Before you complain and click unfriend, think about a like or considering mentioning “You’re doing great with your business! I’m proud of you.” Isn’t it better to see a friend financially supporting themselves and their family than seeing the complaints about their jobs, hating Monday’s and FB drama?

