The Ultimate Gift Ideas For Father’s Day

Father's Day is just around the corner so I’ve gone out and compiled a list of the ultimate gifts that will not only make his day but maybe even yours.

Myles Beardsmore


Yeap…it’s that time of year again, scary right? You’ve probably already found clues around the house that he has left hoping you’ll notice so that he gets the shiny new thing that he’s wanting “this week”. Fear not! I’ve got the list that’ll likely put you in his good books for dayssssss.

The List 💁‍♂ — as promised…

“Where did you say it was again?”

This one’s for the dads that are always losing their shit…Seriously though how often do you hear the question “Where are my keys?” or “Where did you say it was?”. If that’s the case you’ll not only be saving him valuable time but you’ll never have to hear those again once he has his hands on a few Tiles. They’re a tiny device that connects to your phone (and sometimes other phones) via bluetooth which can be attached to anything like keys, shoes and bags (literally anything). He’ll love them and so will you!


A Fitbit for his car

Blow his mind by buying a device that is pretty much a Fitbit for his car but only way cooler. These things connect to pretty much any modern car and can monitoring things like engine issues, fuel consumption and driving habits. They connect to the car and then transmit the data via bluetooth to a phone. He’ll not only now happily take you to the mall but you can judge his driving with actual data!

Links: /


Yes, dads can like music to! If he's a bit of an audiophile then some shiny new bluetooth headphones will make his day. The good people over at Plantronics make some slick as headphones which last all day, sound amazing and don’t break the bank! I can highly recommend all of their gear but their new Voyager 8200 UC model is legit. Bonus: you wont have to listen to his old ass music anymore!


A frickin drone

We’re all kids at hear, especially dads! Let the poor guy finally get his drone this year. You’ll get him out of the house for a few hours and will be put straight in the good books. Now…drones can be expensive but you don’t need to buy some $1000+ thing that he’s only going to crash in 5 minutes, instead check out Parrot’s mini drones. A heads up though. You’ll probably want to buy an extra one for yourself!


Apple Watch

If you’ve read any of my other posts you’ll know i’m a huge fan of the watch. So of course i’m going to recommend getting one for Father’s Day, they’re a little pricey but if the whole family chips in you’ll be getting him a gift that lasts a long time and has a thousand uses. Tell him he can use it make phone calls, check notifications, track fitness and even help him win those golf rounds. Tip: once he has it, setup a family reminders list, invite him and boom. He’ll now get the grocery list synced right to his wrist. Sucker!


Smart Home Tech

Make him feel smart this year round by picking up some smart home accessories. He’ll love being able to control the lighting or monitoring the house security remotely. Checkout my post on Smart Homes for a full list of must-haves or go down to your local store to see what’s available. Another gift that you will both get to enjoy. Winning!

Links: Smart Home Favourites / Home Security

Did someone say wine?

Maybe he’s more of a wine connoisseur than a smart home controller? If so he’ll love this. is a subscription service that delivers a bunch of different wines (suited to your taste) to your doorstep as often as you like. Is that not the ultimate gift? If you don’t have access to WineFriend then no stress, wineries often offer a wine club which is kind of similar so he’ll/you’ll get that wine one way or another.

Links: / Black Estate Wine Club

Fussy bugger?

If you think he might not like any of the above then maybe keep it oldskool and just grab some vouchers. That way he can do whatever the fuck he wants and if you’re smart and throw in a bonus Lotto ticket you might have something other than Father’s day to celebrate!

It doesn’t really matter what you get the old bastard, just show him some love on the day ✌️

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Myles Beardsmore

Editor of MEDIABEAST. Write about #tech. Dream of being in #space. Love to #run. Senior Web developer.