The Future of Marketing in Space: How AI and Robotics Will Lead the Way

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3 min readJun 21, 2024

Elon Musk is gearing up for a trip to Mars. China has just collected samples from the far side of the moon for the first time in human history. Voyager 2, launched 46 years ago, lost contact due to a glitch but managed to reconnect. We’ll be living in the space age soon. It’s not that far away. I’m not sure if it’ll happen during my career in marketing, but with AI and robotics developing so fast, it seems like it could happen. So, what should marketing look like in the space age?

by Dr. Finn (MediaBrain Team Leader)

Right now, astronomers are saying that Elon Musk’s Starlink is obscuring the stars, and it seems like a simple idea even for ChatGPT to use skywriting for marketing messages. Musk has also suggested turning Twitter into an interstellar communication medium, although that seems a bit far-fetched. Musk is known for not advertising Tesla, but he still managed to send a Tesla into space on the Falcon Heavy rocket. He seems like he’d be great at space-age marketing, doesn’t he?

When we start living on the moon and Mars, we’ll need to think about different marketing strategies for those places. It might not be called digital marketing, but maybe “universe marketing” or “space marketing.” The concept of “space” itself will be key.

The whole point of marketing is to show people what you’ve got, make them aware of it, and get them to take action. What if we consider the concept of space?

The idea is that where you are will become important. This assumes that AI and robotics will keep advancing. My idea is that lots of robots will be launched by rockets and installed first. Starlink will let these robots communicate with everyone on Earth in real time. If we had digital avatars, we’d have physical robot avatars on the moon and Mars that move by our will. Just like brand pop-ups in Seongsu-dong, we’ll have moon pop-ups and Mars pop-ups, which will let people virtually experience those places without actually going there. The process of experiencing these spaces will become its own kind of marketing, much like the endless ads that pop up before the protagonist’s eyes in the movie Ready Player One.

Instead of the current social media, we might have something like “universe media,” a new marketing platform across the stars. It won’t be about writing posts or uploading videos. It’ll be about experiencing those spaces firsthand.

While the metaverse and NFTs might be on their way out, robots and AI are here to stay. The key difference is in the usefulness of the physical. The next step is to start using space. The planet Earth is pretty small. We’ll be building brand spaces on Mars and other planetary spaces, maybe even similar to the virtual reality in the drama Three-Body. We won’t have to risk human lives; we can connect with robots and experience all those spaces. The big question is cost. But the experience will make brands memorable because it’s something we’ve physically experienced, which is a different level from our current content marketing. What’s the difference?

Let’s chat about this again in 50 years! 😉

#SpaceMarketing #FutureOfMarketing #AIInSpace #RoboticsInMarketing #InterstellarMarketing #ElonMuskMarketing #MarsColonization #DigitalToSpace #SpaceAgeInnovation #MarketingEvolution




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