Gen Z Travel Destinations

Are you or someone you know looking to travel but are having a hard time figuring out where to go?

What are some of the best places to visit in the world that no one ever talks about or has never heard of?

These are some of the questions that I will be answering in my newsletter: Gen Z Travel Destinations.

More people looking to go on vacation and get out in the world again, especially since the pandemic limited travel. But people are also having a difficult time figuring out new places to visit that they either haven’t been to already or never heard of.

My name is Andrew Isaacson and I’m an aspiring journalist who will be talking to you about great places for people of all ages to visit. I’ve always loved to explore the world and find new sites in the U.S. and around the world.

The locations can be for family vacations, honeymoons, bachelor parties, birthday celebrations, graduation trip or for any occasion.

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Hiring a travel agent is also very expensive and something that some people can’t afford so this newsletter will also provide enough information about hotels, what activities the city or town has to offer, restaurants and bars, and any other essential details needed prior to the visit.

COVID-19 data such as vaccine and case numbers will be something else that I include when I’m talking about a specific location and especially since safety is everyone’s main priority right now with the virus still spreading.

Some of the columns could focus on other locations to visit in big cities that people don’t talk about such as New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or wherever.

This newsletter is seeking to find the unknowns of the world.

My primary audience for this newsletter is young adults because they are the group most eager and have the most questions about where to go and what to do. They are also the ones that won’t be able to hire a travel agent and will be able to find their answers in this newsletter.

I personally have my own questions about where I could travel with friends and family in the next year and want to explore new vacation spots that no one ever talks about.

There are plenty of websites that provide ratings for a vacation spot and allow people to give reviews, but this newsletter will talk about places that I’ve personally visited in the past and others that I find through research and links.

The goal of this newsletter is to give small towns and cities the spotlight, especially ones that most people don’t share with their friends or audience on their social media accounts.

Photo by Erik Odiin on Unsplash

I’ve visited Colorado many times before including Denver, Vail and Colorado Springs, places that a majority of people have heard of or been to before.

But my parents were looking for a new town to explore in the state for a couple days and found Gateway, Colorado in the southwest part of the state.

I will talk more about this small town in Colorado for my next column, but my family visited Gateway in 2016 as part of our summer vacation.

Everyone we talked to about the town had never heard of it before, even our friends that we know that live in Colorado.

That is what I want people to get out of these columns.

There are places in my home state that I’ve never heard of and I’m sure have a lot to offer.

I’m looking forward to sharing with all of you new travel destinations through these columns and give you and your friends the opportunity to travel elsewhere.

Future columns:

  • Gateway, Colorado: This example I’ve brought up in class but I would go into details about this town that I’ve visited that most people have never heard of and what there is to do there.
  • How to plan a successful trip: This column would be a listicle with different tips on how young adults can organize and have the best trip possible.
  • Column from a travel agent: Have a famous or popular travel guide or agent write about how to book a trip.
  • Listicle of more unknown places to visit: This idea would require me to conduct more research but I would look up unknown locations in the world for people to vacation at and include links to websites/videos.
  • How to budget for/during a trip: Budgeting and spending is a huge problem for people when they are preparing to travel so I believe this would be a solid service column. Some travelers save money for up to a year for a big trip unless it’s funded by someone else.

