Coast to Coast Hockey

Photo by Seth Hoffman

Hello hockey fans near and far. My name is Kenneth Mazzaro. I am writing to let you know that I will soon be launching a newsletter on SubStack that will cover all things NHL. My ultimate goal is to be your #1 source of hockey information each morning when you check your email.

I plan on doing this by gathering all of the relevant content from the prior day and organizing it in such a way where readers can get caught up to speed from the touch of their phone screens on their morning commute. Have you ever felt like you missed out on all of the late night west coast games and simply don’t have time to watch all of the highlights before going to work the next day?

My newsletter will aim to provide in-depth game coverage as well as important league-wide headlines like the trade deadline and free agency, so you never miss a thing, whether you’re a New York Rangers fan or a Los Angeles Kings supporter. My newsletter will truly keep you covered, coast to coast.

Furthermore, this newsletter will help school readers up on NHL draft prospects — including both NCAA players and those playing junior hockey. I want to make the world of hockey as accessible to my readers as possible and ensure that you have all of the necessary knowledge and tools to follow the league all season long. I’m looking forward to getting started.

