^^^ that’s me. I have huge hands…I know

Milk mustaches make a great conversation starter.

Welcome to the Bean and Banter


Grab your favorite mug and a cup o’ joe — this is gonna be fun.

Now, if you’re anything like me, you’ve been drinking coffee for… well, awhile. I hope I’m not alone in the fact that I’ve been “drinking” it since I was about five. After I dunked my first biscotti in my dad’s coffee I was hooked.

I would love waking up on Sunday mornings to the muffled tune of ole Sinatra’s voice and the rich smell of a fresh brew bellowing from the kitchen. Like clockwork, I would make my way downstairs and head right to the pot.

But maybe the thing that I love most about coffee (aside from the taste, duh) is the conversations that come from sharing a cup with someone. Growing up, the second that dinner was over, my dad put on a big pot of coffee and we would all sit around the table debriefing the day or sharing untold (or retold) stories.

It was something that I looked forward to. We vented, we laughed, we cried — we connected.

So, that’s what this newsletter is all about. Aside from talking about what we all know and love (*cough cough* coffee) we are gonna just gonna chat. I’ll tell you stories, we’ll interview and talk to some cool people, or maybe we’ll just rant about life, or talk about what’s going on in the world, or cure world hunger for all I know. The banter behind a strong brew knows no limits.

Sound good? Good, it will be.

Oh– I’m Isabella, by the way, I am a 21-year-old girl (woman?) who is obsessed with coffee. I would give you a bit more info about me but you’ll soon find out way more than you need to :)

Alright, now into the good stuff. We’ll start with a classic, go-to cup that never disappoints.

That cactus in the background has a name… it’s Herald. More pics to come.

~ The sort-of-fancy, but no-so-fancy frothy coffee. ~

  • French-pressed caw-fee
  • Frothed heavy cream with a pinch of sugar and a dash of vanilla extract
  • Cinnamon sprinkle!
  • Bonus Point: Funky bee-mug (not required, but highly encouraged… bees are cute)

Basic. I know. But whenever I want something a little more special, this just calls out to me.

Don’t have a french press? Don’t like french press? All is well — brew it your way! The thing I love most about this is it’s so easy to switch up. Feeling fall-y? Froth some pumpkin puree in that bad boy and sprinkle it with pumpkin pie spice. Want something a little sweeter? Drizzle some caramel on top. (remember: measure with your heart).

I personally like to make this one when right before I start chipping away at the week's worth of assignments I waited until the last day to do. I don’t know, something about the milk mustache it leaves after every sip makes the work seem more enjoyable.

I should probably mention I am a college student. I go to Lehigh. It’s a pretty cool place. I will probably complain about school once or twice along the way. ¡Don’t be fooled! I am that girl who has loved school her whole life and I have no idea what I am going to do without having “student” tattooed on my forehead as my number one identity trait. I mean, school is all I’ve known for the entire two decades I have been alive.

Let me stop here, we are just getting to know each other after all. Def gonna save that conversation for a later newsletter — can’t spill it all on the first date ;).

Speaking of future sends, here's what we’ve got on the menu for the next couple of weeks.

  1. A list of my favorite coffee shops in NYC
  • While I’m not a new-yorker by any means — I have tried a few places that I think deserve a good shoutout. Plus, it seems like NYC is all any college senior applying for jobs can talk about these days. I was thinking we’d have a word or two about the ~insane~ pressure of moving to a big city after graduation and why I think it’s a little bit dramatic.

2. I’ve wasted my money so you don’t have to: coffee makers that deserve my hype

  • I’ve tried a LOT of coffee makers, from cheap Moka Pots to $200 Nespresso machines, I’ll give ya a list of the ones that are worth your time and money. I say this as I continue to stop by my local coffee shop every week — we’ll also chat about how hard it is to stick to a FREAKING BUDGET in college.

3. What’s the deal with decaf?

  • If you gagged at the thought of decaf coffee — you’d be me. I used to hate decaf (why waste the sips if you don't get a boost of caffeine?) but when my junior year ✨ anxiety ✨ was in full swing I learned to spare myself the additional panic attack by opting for that shamed cup of decaf. Hopefully, we can break the stigma behind decaf, together.

4. Sunday scaries SUCK so bad. I’ll let you in on my Sunday rituals.

  • I am not perfect by any means and I always save my work until the last minute. But I’ll share some habits I have tried to set for myself to make Sundays suck a little less (Hint: I start the day with a hot cup of coffee). I’ll also talk about some self-help books that have seriously changed my outlook on life.

5. Fellow Coffee-Fanatic Feature

  • I have friends. My friends like coffee. We’ll chat with my friend, Julio, on how to make the perfect cold brew. Maybe we’ll even get him to spill is
    “TOP SECRET COLD BREW RECIPE” I’ve been trying to get out of him for the past year.

I know, I know, you can’t contain your excitement — subscribe already! I am so looking forward to getting to know all of you each week.


If you have one near you, RUN to Saxby’s to try their Milk and Honey Cold Brew. Subtly sweet, in such a weird but wonderful way. Here’s a pic of me with it.

