A Look Inside MediaFire

Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2014

Welcome to our new space. We have been working on renovating and remodeling our work and play areas and bigger, better spaces are still to come. Developers now have an open environment in which they can work together collaboratively, as well as breakout rooms where they can take time for themselves. We have moved our game room in to a new space which is getting plenty of use for everything from ping pong to yoga.

Click on the pictures to get a better glimpse into our world.

[gallery link=”file” ids=”2404,2408,2426,2406,2402,2410"]

If you like what you see and are interested in joining the team, please visit our Careers Page.




MediaFire stores all your media and makes it available to you, anytime you want, anywhere you go, on any device you might have.