An Introduction to Azure Stream Analytics Job

Sibeesh Venu
Published in
6 min readDec 11, 2018


Stream Analytics Pipeline, Source:


The capability of an Azure Stream Analytics Job is a lot, here in this post we are going to discuss a few of them. An Azure Stream Analytics is basically an engine which processes the events. These events are coming from the devices we have configured, it can be an Azure IoT Dev Kit (MXChip) or a Raspberry Pi and many more. The stream analytics job has two vital parts

  • Input source
  • Output source

The input source is the source of your streaming data, in my case, it is my IoT Hub. And the output source is the output what you are configuring. I had configured the output to save the data to an Azure SQL database. Let’s just stop the introduction part now and start creating our own Stream Analytics.

You can always see this article on my blog here.


I recently got my MXChip (Azure Iot Dev Kit) and I was surprised with the capabilities that device can do. It has a lot of sensors within the device, like temperature, humidity, pressure, magnetometer, security etc. Then I thought it is time to play with the same. So the…



Sibeesh Venu

An engineer by profession and writer by passion. Author at Sibeesh Passion, Microsoft MVP (2016–2022). Software Engineer @ Microsoft