Building Arm64 Docker Images with .NET 8: A Quick Solution

Are you facing issues with Docker not pulling the right architecture for .NET 8 SDK builds? Here’s the swift fix.

Marius Schröder


Docker ARM64 Build

The Problem

Docker might not automatically align with the arm64 architecture needed for .NET 8 SDK builds, causing delays and inefficiencies.

The Solution

Specify the platform explicitly during Docker build using:

FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM AS build-env

In this process, it’s important to note that the $BUILDPLATFORM variable used in the Dockerfile will be automatically specified by Docker itself, alleviating the need for manual input and ensuring a seamless integration with the designated architecture.

Why It Matters

  • Adaptability: Ensures seamless integration with arm64 architectures.
  • Performance Boost: Optimizes application performance on compatible systems.
  • Future Readiness: Preparing for evolving tech landscapes by embracing diverse architectures.

By implementing this solution, developers swiftly build arm64 Docker images with .NET 8, unlocking a world of possibilities across various platforms.

Additionally, this solution integrates seamlessly with buildx, ensuring a smooth and effortless process for building arm64 images with .NET 8.

