My Top Microsoft Ignite 2022 News

Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2022

My Top Microsoft Ignite 2022 News

Microsoft Ignite is a classic IT conference, but it also has news for us developers regarding innovations in our ecosystem.

Enclosed are the news that I personally find above average interesting for developers.

Defender for DevOps

Azure DevOps no longer had any security scanning for a long time; it was removed. Those who wanted to continue using it had to switch to GitHub, which was or is not an option for many.

Now the GitHub Advanced Security features are also (finally) available in Azure DevOps!

Microsoft Dev Box

I’m not a big fan of Dev Containers (I think they fit in very few development environments where they work well), but Microsoft Dev Box is definitely one of the better products.

Azure CosmosDB supports PostgreSQL

Azure CosmosDB now supports the extremely popular PostgreSQL database! This is based on the Hyperscale Engine Citus.

Furthermore, Azure Database for PostgreSQL now also supports full data-level encryption with custom encryption keys, as known from MSSQL/Azure SQL.

Microsoft Places

Microsoft Places is a new app that is supposed to improve the new work relationships regarding remote and on-site work. So it exactly meets my work style.

Microsft Edge Workspaces

Microsoft Edge has not been rewarded with positive news lately, but has often caught a shit storm regarding questionable features. Therefore, I have unfortunately also left Edge.

Unfortunately, these questionable things have not been removed until today, but now a feature has been added that is finally really good again: Workspaces for Edge.

It is now possible to share whole instances or browser tabs with others; not just screen sharing, but real sharing, as you know it from other office applications or Google Docs.

Microsoft Syntex

Many millions of documents are created or stored in Office 365 every day. With the new Microsoft Syntex service, AI-based tools are to be used to better manage these documents, search for them, or even provide them with digital signatures on a broad scale.

All Ignite announcements summarized in the Book of News


Benjamin Abt

Ben is a passionate developer and software architect and especially focused on .NET, cloud and IoT. In his professional he works on high-scalable platforms for IoT and Industry 4.0 focused on the next generation of connected industry based on Azure and .NET. He runs the largest german-speaking C# forum, is the founder of the Azure UserGroup Stuttgart, a co-organizer of the AzureSaturday, runs his blog, participates in open source projects, speaks at various conferences and user groups and also has a bit free time. He is a Microsoft MVP since 2015 for .NET and Azure.

Originally published at on October 13, 2022.

