Running dependent applications created with Nx simultaneously

Yannick Haas
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024

This is part of a multi-post series detailing how to consume environment variables in an Angular application, replacing the traditional environment.ts files. The other posts can be found here:

Let’s assume you’ve created two applications called app1 and app2 . app1 is a simple Node application, whereas app2 is an Angular app. app2 has to call app1 and app1 in return serves app2 as static files. In the cloud you let them run on the same server, eliminating the need for any special routing configuration. However, locally you have to run them on different ports to avoid port conflicts as well as to be able to debug them independently.

To be able to run both applications simultaneously we need to execute nx run-many -t serve . This serves both applications in a single command. However, I’d suggest to add it to your package.json in scripts for simplicity:

// package.json
// ...
"scripts": {
"start": "nx run-many -t serve"
// ...

That way you can run npm run start , which is easier to remember.

As app1 runs on a different port, we need to add a proxy.conf.json inside apps/app2 , which routes requests to for example /config from the Angular application to app1. The proxy.conf.json should look like this (replace 3333 with whatever port your app1 runs on):

// proxy.conf.json
"/config": {
"target": "http://localhost:3333",
"secure": false

We also have to tell Angular’s serve command to use this file by adding the following lines inside apps/app2/project.json :

// apps/app2/project.json
// ...
"targets": {
// ...
"serve": {
// ...
"options": {
"proxyConfig": "apps/app2/proxy.conf.json"
// ...
// ...
// ...

This way every request going from app2 to /config will be redirected to app1 while serving the applications locally.

