Building great customer experiences through SEO expertise & Teamwork at MediaMarktSaturn

MediaMarktSaturn Tech Blog
MediaMarktSaturn Tech Blog
6 min readAug 9, 2023

by Emilija Gjorgjevska and Tamara Heinz

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Unveiling our MediaMarktSaturn secrets for business and customer excellence success.

Why Search Experience Optimization (SEO) expertise matters

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, where customer expectations are soaring higher than ever before, businesses find themselves at a crucial crossroads — the intersection of exceptional customer experiences and innovative SEO expertise. In this era of fierce competition, success is no longer merely about offering a remarkable product or service; it is about crafting an unforgettable journey that captivates and delights customers at every touchpoint.

To step into next-generation customer experiences, you must build on a solid foundation of collaborative teamwork, data, and SEO mastery. In this article, we unveil the secrets behind constructing exceptional customer experiences at MediaMarktSaturn that not only leave a lasting impact but also elevated our business to new heights.

Our teams as key enabler for developing next-gen online user experiences

We cherish the power of great teamwork, as it truly makes dreamwork possible. However, forming an effective team of SEO, Content, and E-commerce experts demands a thoughtful strategy, dedicated HR efforts, excellent management, and a blend of complementary skill sets.

At MediaMarktSaturn, we take pride in our diverse team, which comprises individuals from various regions in Germany and beyond its borders. We maintain a balanced and rich mix of complementary skill sets: each team member specializes in a different area of SEO, offering a diversified perspective in the problem-solving process. This approach enables us to develop a comprehensive, holistic SEO strategy for our e-commerce websites.

What is even more important to us as a team is that we live and breathe SEO. We actively attend conferences, network with industry colleagues, and wholeheartedly dedicate ourselves to crafting next-gen customer experiences on our MediaMarktSaturn portals. Providing expert advice promptly, exactly when our online users seek it, is not just a mantra for us — it is a lifestyle. We are all customer-focused, passionate technology enthusiasts who value innovation, cross-functional collaboration, and consumer electronics. For us, SEO is far more than just technical marketing — it is about search experience optimization. By leveraging our expertise, we strive to cater to customer needs, address their queries, assist with online challenges, and guide them seamlessly through their customer journey.

Our goal for this article

In this content piece, we will take you through the steps we took to enhance our online business and drive further search growth. We rely on first-party data that is integral to our daily operations, including Google Search Console, crawl data, server log files, and intelligent data dashboards. These tools play a crucial role in shaping our strategy and allowing us to prioritize our tasks effectively.

Data-informed decision making is a key focus for us, given the sheer size of our websites. Each of our MediaMarktSaturn platforms deals with millions of URLs, each presenting its unique technical, content, or user experience challenges. To ensure our web platforms consistently meet the latest SEO standards and deliver exceptional user experiences, we must prioritize ruthlessly and adapt accordingly.

Enough talking — give me the data to see what you did

Glad that you asked! Since we cannot share exact screenshots from our Google Search Console (for obvious reasons), we decided to give you a quick glimpse of our organic growth on Sistrix, which reflects a similar growth pattern that we see in Google Search Console too.

sistrix data

This is how our domains for and evolved from 2018 to 2023 (July, at the current moment of speaking). To elaborate even further, we noted a 20–30% growth in our clicks in the last six months (as of July 2023) compared to the 3 months of the previous year, non-branded traffic. Some additional details can be found in Stefan Vorwerk’s (DACH SEO expert) presentation here, where he’s praising our work on SEO Campixx.

Long story short, there is a clear growing trendline in our search and user performance which demonstrates that we did all the right things to make this happen. The question is: how? What did we do to get rewarded by our users and Google for all the work that we put into it?

Exact steps that you can replicate in your SEO strategy that elevated our MMS websites

Our first secret to success: dedicated teamwork and having a deep understanding of our business objectives, respect for our cross-functional colleagues’ work, and true interest in our users’ demands is what gave us an initial advantage over our competitors. Improved processes helped boost our productivity, so we could focus on matters the most.

Our second secret: being completely data-driven, so that we were able to quickly prioritize where to make fixes first or propose new innovative solutions for recurring customer inquiries. The way we did this is collecting the questions that our customers asked in-store but also on our websites, demonstrated through the search queries on our platforms, so that we could verify user demand at scale. The key is to combine multiple data sources and let multiple departments talk to each other more often, so that the most pressing problems get solved first.

Our third secret for success: enhancing + scaling cross-functional learning and implementing site-wide changes are essential aspects of our strategy. We acknowledge that content is unstructured data that requires proper explanation to search engines, and thus, we have made significant investments in structured data markup implementations. This structured data plays a crucial role as search engines leverage it to effectively distribute our content to potential online customers. As a result, it becomes imperative to ensure that our content is understandable and well-structured.

Our fourth secret: developing a mature SEO customer-friendly architecture of our website, through internal linking, spam cleanup and topical clusters that address customer needs, providing expert advice along the way, in every phase of the customer journey.

Our fifth secret for success: technical optimizations in collaboration with our tech teams. We are happy to work with colleagues that demonstrate clear technical expertise but also possess the business acumen to understand the importance of search experience optimization (SEO). They helped us a lot in speeding up our website and also in developing a data strategy to see where we’re falling back speed-wise.

Big investment into content and content ops: we understand that answering questions is not something that only the support department does. That is why we developed our content section where we replicate our offline expertise online to develop better advisory content that answers real user questions. We are asking the why and the how, putting ourselves in our customer’s shoes, and going step-by-step on the whole customer journey: we do not take our customers for granted.

We are also starting to embed some external content platforms, like, into our MMS WebShop, to ensure that online users can find everything in one place. Content matters and answering the most pressing questions matters too — that is our learning so far.

And there is more! But it would not be fun if we revealed everything in one article, right?

Search experience optimization (SEO) is a holistic mindset

It is not one team; it is not one person that is responsible for developing great online solutions and experiences. Addressing customers’ needs, whether technically, content-wise, or through direct communication is what should be a #1 priority in your e-commerce business.

We pride ourselves in having the opportunity to drive the online journey for millions of e-commerce users online in multiple countries and learn about their buying and interest patterns. Working at MediaMarktSaturn is more than a job — it is the act of helping other people achieve their goals and an opportunity to serve great experiences online.


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