Release notes: Dashboard, moving averages and MixPanel

Vojtech Rinik
Median Release Notes
3 min readFeb 10, 2017

Released on February 10th, 2017.


Now you can click on button “Make dashboard” to present the current page on the top of your wallpaper. It will show exactly what you have on your page, so you can select any layout you want.

Presenting page as the dashboard

We hope you’ll like it!

Moving average

Since one of our first integrations is the App Store sales data, we wanted to adress one issue. The numbers tend to be unstable. They differ from day to day. It’s hard to answer “how did we do today”, if one day doesn’t really matter.

What matters is the trend. So now you can show display the moving average:

Showing the trendline

Comparing to previous period

While we were at it, we added also option to compare with the previous period. This is especially useful if your sales/downloads follow days of week — for example we just released a new app for finding new movies, and there is always a spike in usage on the weekend.

MixPanel integration

We added support for MixPanel. There are a few limitations at the time. There is no way to show unique vs. total count, you can’t segment by any custom properties and biggest of all — we advice against adding the integration, if you have a lot of data. Basically, use it only if you’re on the free plan. Also keep in mind, free plan only shows events from the last 2 months, so you won’t see anything before then.

This is all changing soon because we’ll be switching to a new way of talking to services/caching data, and most of the limitations will go away.

Google Analytics improvements

We added Bounce rate as the measure, and Device category/Operating system for those mobile-first websites. In the future we will make the list of measures and dimensions fully customizable, letting you work with 10s of dimensions Google Analytics provides, but due to current stack we are only limited to a few.

How to update

Just launch Median and it should offer you to install this new update. If it doesn’t, click on “Check for Updates” from menu:

This will erase your existing data!

Be advised that this update changes how your data is stored, so you’ll have to add your accounts & charts again. But don’t worry, this won’t happen with every update, it’s only a one-time problem.

E-mail us about everything

Any thoughts you have, click on that “Send feedback” button in-app. We want to make this software work great for you, not us.

