An Open Letter To Ev Williams Regarding Facebook’s Censorship Of Conservative Media

Please Keep Medium Open For ALL Voices To Be Heard.

Sam Whitfield
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2016


Dear Mr. Willams, back in September of 2015 I wrote a post right here on Medium praising the fact that this platform is truly a place where all voices can be heard. You may read it here if you wish:

Recently however, it seems that some of your peers in Silicon Valley (and in the social media industry in general) have been exposed as putting their political ideology over the user experience. Especially those of whom they might disagree with politically.

I understand and respect the fact that most of the high tech industry populace has a liberal bias and I’m not going to hold that against any of you. What I am concerned about is how publishing platforms like Medium intend to do regarding censorship and free speech.

The Fact Is, I LOVE Medium!

Ever since I started using Medium on a regular basis last year, I have found that the platform has helped me to become a better writer and a better reader as well in the sense of looking past my own bias. This may sound crazy, but I’ve actually grown as a person because of this platform. Yet, despite all of my praises for Medium, I must admit that my general trust in social media and online publishing companies as a whole has been shaken due to the recent news surrounding Facebook, and I know I’m not alone in feeling this way. Therefore, I must ask:

What Is Medium’s policy/views on free speech and censorship?

I do recognize that Matt Higginson and Jack Gerard are key members of the outreach team at Medium and they’ve done a fantastic job so far! However, I also recognize that they are just two individuals in a much larger organization. I love using your platform and I’m sure we’d both like to keep it that way, but I’d also appreciate some assurance that my ideas and content are safe as well.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful weekend!


Sam Whitfield.



Sam Whitfield

Creator and host of The Whitfield Report, and an all around good guy! Politics and Society commentary, Blogger, Author and Podcaster.