Five SEO Terms You Must Understand

JimPatrick Munupe
MediaWorkx Creative Digital
4 min readNov 15, 2018
Five SEO Terms You Must Understand

Reading time 2 min 47 sec

As a small business owner, you’ve got a whole lot on your plate from juggling your finances, day-to-day business responsibilities as well as making time for life beyond your business can all be stressful. When it comes to finding time to discover and learn what might look like another language SEO terms(nevertheless, what does “SEO” even represent)? That can present a more significant challenge to your already full weekly schedule.

The Ultimate Website Traffic Guide by JimPatrick Munupe

So this article is part of our ebook “Top 40 SEO Jargons Explained — 2018 Edition” Below there is a review on 5 vital SEO terms to support you in getting to grips with SEO — as well as assist your company go up that search engine results page (or SERP) in merely a couple of mins.

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

It’s the procedure of altering content and code to help your website climb higher on search engines (like Google’s) results page, aka optimising your site to get found!

2. On-Page vs Off-Page- On-Page

Search Engine Optimisation has every little thing you do on your website’s pages to enhance its rank on a SERP. This can be done with coding like HTML as well as CSS and also using keywords as well as tags. Off-Page Search Engine Optimisation is anything you do to boost your rank outside of your site pages themselves, like link structure or posting material that links back to your website.

3. Meta Keyword Phrases and Meta Tags

If your familiar with social networks, i.e. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook use of hashtags, these meta keywords resemble hashtags for an online search engine. Meta tags help the search engines to figure out what your website pages are about and help to determine where your website pages belong in an individual’s search engine result. While keyword phrases are no longer the only (or even the primary) manner in which search engine examines a page’s content, and also it’s value, “utilising words your clients are making use of” is still one of the best method (and a terrific method to reveal your visitors that they have actually come to the ideal website!).

4. Analytics (like Google Analytics)

In short, this is all about making use of software to collects data concerning what your website and online marketing are doing. Using it reveals you how your clients and prospects have been reacting to your material. Wouldn’t you like to know the number of people is visiting your website or clicking on your products, services or advertisements? What about how your clients or prospects usually arrived at your site, when they left off and also much more? Analytics are essential and a significant element in shaping your digital marketing efforts to get optimum ROI.

5. Inner Links and External Links

Let us get this one straight first all links are hyperlinks inner or external links. That said, internal link are hyperlinks on your web site’s web pages that link your site prospect/visitor to another relative article or page on your website (which helps maintain them on your website longer- yay!). External links, on the other hand, are hyperlinks that take your visitors from one of your website pages to a page on an additional website (or your social profiles, blog, video gallery, and so on). Okay, so I can sense what you’re thinking… “Why would I wish to send somebody far from my website? Doesn’t that defeat the factor of SEO, to begin with? My initial goal was to be found by my prospect/visitor, not the other website!” All right so yes and no, yes that’s the goal of SEO and no because if you include web links that result in related and helpful web content, it will certainly boost your site’s reputation in Google’s eyes. Moreover, also, when you connect to these other websites, their proprietors might return the favour as well as reward you with valuable backlinks (something to speak about next time). It’s a win-win situation.

Well there you have it Five SEO terms you must understand in 2min 30sec read. For more information check out our ebook “Top 40 SEO Jargons Explained — 2018 Edition“.



JimPatrick Munupe
MediaWorkx Creative Digital

A fully devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, a Father and a Businessman. I serve God at #JabulaWorldWide #NeaZoiChurch and work at