Accredited Investors can contribute from the US

Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2017

US citizens need to provide a proof that he/she is an accredited investor in order to participate in MediBloc token sale

Thank you for your interest in MediBloc. As a US citizen, you will only be able to participate in MediBloc’s token sale if you are an accredited investor. You may contribute right after you submit KYC on our website. However, you have to also provide the proof of being an “accredited investor” to If the verification fails, we will refund your contribution.

Please see below for the methods to prove that you are an “accredited investor”

1. The Professional Letter Method: An investor may obtain a written confirmation from a registered broker-dealer, an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, a licensed attorney who is in good standing under the laws of the jurisdictions in which he or she is admitted to practice law, or a certified public accountant who is duly registered and in good standing under the laws of the place of his or her residence or principal office. The written confirmation provided must certify that reasonable steps were taken to verify that the investor is an accredited investor within the prior three months and that it was actually determined that such investor is an accredited investor.

2. The Income Method: An investor may choose to prove that he or she is an accredited investor because he or she is a natural person with income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year. To prove this, it is best if the investor can provide government or official records that that show his or her income, such as tax filings or pay stubs. Otherwise, the investor might attempt to obtain a letter from his or her accountant or employer confirming that his or her annual income or wages exceeded those amounts in the past two years and will exceed it in the current year. The investor also needs to make an affirmative statement that his or her expected income in the current year will meet the minimum income level.

3. The Net Worth Method: An investor may choose to prove that he or she is an accredited investor because he or she is a natural person whose individual net worth, or joint net worth with that person’s spouse, exceeds $1,000,000. This method requires the investor to disclose his or her assets and liabilities so that net worth may be calculated. Note that the positive value of the investor’s primary residence is not counted toward net worth for the purposes of accredited investor verification; however, debt incurred in the last 60 days against the primary residence as well as debt in excess of the value of the primary residence is deducted from net worth for the purposes of accredited investor verification.

There are three primary components to the net worth verification method:

A. The credit report for the investor and his or her spouse (to the extent the spouse is also being verified or a spouse’s assets is being used to qualify). The investor should provide a US credit report if it is available. If no credit report is available at all, then investor should explain that no credit report is available.

B. Disclosure of the investor’s liabilities. If there are any liabilities, the investor should disclose them as the liabilities deduct from the investor’s net worth. If there are no liabilities, the investor should make an affirmative representation that he or she has no liabilities.

C. Disclosure of the investor’s assets. Assets must be supported with evidence that clearly shows that the investor owns the asset and the value of the asset. Please refer to the chart below for guidance as to what type of evidence might be necessary for different assets.


If you have any questions regarding the 2nd Pre-Sale, please contact us through the following channels. The MediBloc team will strive to do our utmost to make progress and stand by our roadmap.

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