[ANN]How to install medibloc wallet

Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2019

MediBloc wallet : https://wallet.gopanacea.org/

  1. How to install MediBloc wallet
  2. How to restore MediBloc wallet
  3. How to reset MediBloc wallet

[How to install wallet]

  1. Go to https://wallet.gopanacea.org/

2. Click ‘Create wallet ID.’

3. Save mnemonic. These 24 words are the backup phrase for your private key.

4. Fill in the blanks and click ‘Confirm.’
*Please save the mnemonic(24 words) at the separate places(on the notebook, paper ete.) safely.

5. Create a wallet account and password.
*Pay close attention as the password cannot be restored.

6. Click ‘Next’ and enter the password.

7. This is what your wallet looks like.

  • Your MED account address is on the top right.
  • Click the icon left to MED account address to copy the address.

[How to restore MediBloc wallet]

There are two ways to restore MediBloc wallet. First, by entering the mnemonic(24 words) and second, by uploading the keyfile.

  1. Choose the restore method you are going to use.

2. From mnemonic words, locate your mnemonic words in orders
You must keep your wallet mnemonic words safe, because anyone who knows your wallet words can steal your MED coins.

3. From keyfile, upload your wallet keyfile. The Panacea keyfile is .txt file that starts with ‘panacea’.

[How to reset MediBloc wallet]

Reset function : This reset function is to delete your MediBloc wallet address from your browser. Press Reset and then press ‘OK’ to immediately return to the wallet creation page. It is recommended to use when you use your wallet from outside environment (cafe, open environment PC).

Thank you.

MediBloc official telegram : https://t.me/mediblocannouncement

