[ANN] MediBloc in Korea selected by the Government as a Korea New Deal “Cloud Flagship” Healthcare Company

Published in
3 min readOct 8, 2020
  • Full-scale cloud business in the medical and healthcare fields through the implementation of 7 core projects
  • MediBloc in Korea participates as a healthcare company in the Ministry of Science and ICT “Cloud Flagship” project
  • Providing the “Dr. Palette” infrastructure for government medical and healthcare cloud services

On October 8, 2020, MediBloc in Korea, which builds a patient-centered healthcare data platform, was selected as one of the companies to undertake the 2020 Cloud Flagship Project. The project is a representative case of the “Digital New Deal” under the supervision of the Korea Ministry of Science and ICT. The Korea New Deal is a comprehensive government-led project aimed at exploring new industries and widening the social safety net, much like the U.S.’s New Deal programs during the Great Depression in the 1930s.

The 2020 Cloud Flagship Project, in which MediBloc in Korea was selected, is a project promoted by the Fourth Industrial Revolution Committee, which reports directly to President Moon Jae In. It’s a collaboration service that selects and matches cloud infrastructure companies and supports the development of service companies in the manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare fields.

MediBloc in Korea plans to build cloud infrastructure for digital medical support and develop mobile-based EHR services as a cloud infrastructure service provider in the medical and healthcare division. We also plan to expand scalability by using API design for data linkage with government agencies such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency.

The multi-platform cloud infrastructure, which will be implemented and verified by the project, will be advanced so that it can be expanded and applied to various information and communication fields such as finance and insurance that handle personal private information, such as the medical industry. This will contribute to the creation of an ecosystem for the EHR industrial market. It will raise the status of Korea medical systems such as K-epidemic prevention and will provide the only multi-platform EHR system in Korea that supports various devices and operating systems.

Dr. Allen Wookyun Kho, a co-founder of MediBloc in Korea, said, “It is very meaningful to proceed with the Cloud Flagship Project, which is the 7-core project of “Data Dam,” following the infectious disease research of the KT-Gates Foundation. As global infectious diseases become more prevalent and demand for support for other existing environments, such as non-face-to-face and non-contact, will increase, this project should be done in good faith to provide an improved medical environment and minimize infections. We also want to contribute to the development of the healthcare industry by using high-speed outbreak control.”

We will continue to strive for excellence and expand our medical network. We appreciate your continued support.

MediBloc is a health information platform. It is a patient-centric platform that stores health records and life logs on the blockchain and provides all necessary PHR of patients to healthcare professionals whenever they visit medical institutions. Furthermore, researchers can have access to, with the permission of patients, medical data which is currently limited to specific medical institutions.

