Introducing the all-new Medipass 2.0: Faster, Stronger, Better

Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2020

Hello all!

Medipass, the simple insurance claim app we launched in November last year, has just turned one year old!

Since its launch, we have received generous feedback from users and continued to improve Medipass internally through various tests. November 25 marks the release of Medipass 2.0, reflecting everyone’s thoughtful insights and the improvements our team has worked hard to develop.

Okay, then, shall we take a look at the changes this new Medipass offers?

Medipass changed its symbol!

Medipass is a combination of the words “medical” and “passport,” referring to how the app can be used as a universal “health ID” no matter where you go. Our team is still working hard to achieve greater advances for this purpose. The former Medipass symbol resembled an airline boarding pass. We used the shape of a ticket with an M on it, and the word “pass” was there to evoke a sense of movement and openings.

However, we thought that the “pass,” which was within the big of the M, might not be clear enough in a mobile context. Also, there is another app brand with a similar name, and we wanted to avoid any confusion or the suggestion of a link between our app and that one. So, we changed the symbol to this.

It combines a lightning bolt with the letter P on the pass, with lowercase M and P turned sideways. The symbol represents Medipass’s youthful, innovative look and gives a sense of speed and efficiency. This symbol will also appear on the app home screen.And the reason for this is…

The home screen has changed!

Medipass is a blockchain-based medical data platform that can easily retrieve medical records from hospitals affiliated with MediBloc. Through the blockchain, medical record are safely imported and ready for a variety of uses, such as retrieving related data, filing insurance claims, and waiting for notification services. However, in the previous version of Medipass, these services were not obvious, so many people were unaware of them unless they specifically looked for them. Instead, we’ve improved the home screen so that users can see at a glance all the great services available from Medipass.

It’s “Pass claim” from now on!

10-second rocket claim without paper! Do you remember that phrase? From now on, it’s “10-second Pass Claim without a Document.”💜

This service allows you to receive medical data from Medipass and make safe, convenient, and quick claims with insurance companies affiliated with MediBloc!

Thanks to on-going and helpful feedback from users who have filed pass claims, the team has been working harder to improve and expand our partnerships with affiliated hospitals and insurance companies. From now on, let’s use the phrase “pass claim.” “Pass us to pass the data!”

With the Medipass service name attached, we will do our best to link more hospitals and insurance companies as time goes by!

Thank you!

