MediBloc Partnerships #2

Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2017

Building blocks of MediBloc platform

Huray Positive

MediBloc has formed an alliance with Huray Positive, a leader in digital healthcare space that focuses on curing chronic illness through Personal Health Record (PHR) applications. Huray has begun its business in 2010 and has already established partnerships with healthcare providers such as Samsung hospital in promoting their “S Treatment Note” application for patients suffering diabetes. Diabetes is #1 disease in Korea that requires intensive care from the patients themselves. “S Treatment Note” enables users to monitor their health in real time by allowing health data collection through devices that measure blood sugar level, heartbeat and blood pressure, which can connect to your smartphone. Huray has another solution called “Health Switch” which makes analysis of the connection between your daily habit and the blood sugar level. Huray has developed other PHR applications that enable users to actively manage their own health data in real time and thus perform the necessary care based on the cues that their personal health data send.

MediBloc will aid Huray Positive clients to more securely and reliably manage their health data. Huray Positive will bring all its application users onto MediBloc platform. The users will be able to not only use the data collected through Huray solutions for their own intensive care but also exchange their own health data to researchers and pharmaceutical companies at their discretion for monetary benefits. Healthcare providers connected to MediBloc platform will easily receive patient’s past health data in a reliable format, thus allowing patients to easily seek for second opinions from various healthcare professionals.


MediBloc is partnering with Syntekabio, a bioinformatics research institute. It has developed a product called “Tinygenes” that detects various genetic variants that can cause genetic diseases. The early detection of these genetic variants through Tinygenes allows the healthcare providers to perform appropriate treatments to prevent the genetic diseases. Syntekabio has formed alliances with Korea University Anam Medical Center, Yonsei Medical Center, Sungmo Medical Center and other leading hospitals for research cooperation and product development.

MediBloc’s marketplace for personal healthcare data will be the biggest data source for Syntekabio. As Syntekabio’s research is all dependent on the big data, it will contribute to MediBloc platform as one of the biggest data consumers. From this partnership, MediBloc can enable a leading genome researcher like Syntekabio to develop products and solutions that will dramatically improve the healthcare service.


MediBloc has formed a partnership with Coinplug, a blockchain technology consulting firm that also provides Bitcoin exchange platforms. Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, sits as the technical advisor for Coinplug. The company has been funded by Tim Draper, Mirae Asset and other prominent investors. As a member of Hyperledger, Coinplug is actively participating in the blockchain open source research and development. MediBloc will share the technical breakthroughs regarding blockchain technology with Coinplug and together make the blockchain ecosystem better.

CoinRail and BITTHAI

MediBloc’s Medi Token (MED) will be listed on at least two cryptocurrency exchanges: CoinRail and BITTHAI. CoinRail is a recently launched exchange based in Korea. It is founded by world-class developers and thus has the capability to easily and securely list with various types of alt coins. It has already onboarded 12 cryptocurrencies onto its platform with a road map to onboard additional 12 currencies within the next one month. CoinRail exchange is technically most advanced and secure in Korea and can compete with the globally known exchanges. BITTHAI is a global exchange launched in Thailand that partners with a local Thai bank with foreign exchange license. USD, THB, and CNH can all be exchanged into cryptocurrencies in BITTHAI. As BITTHAI hosts three different foreign currencies unlike any other exchanges out there, it will quickly attract new users and host high volume of cryptocurrency trading.

