Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018

We’ll be posting our news and updates every other Tuesday so stay tuned! This is what we’ve been up to the past two weeks.

[Community Updates]

1) MediBloc team at the expert meeting of the National Assembly Research Service (April 11)

On April 11, Eunsol Lee gave a keynote speech at the expert meeting held by National Assembly Research Service. The weekly expert meetings will be held for six weeks until May 2 and will be joined by various blockchain experts to understand the core value of the blockchain technology and discuss related legislation and policies.

During his speech, Eunsol explained how the blockchain technology works, its usage in various industries, and how it can be utilized for the medical industry and PHR system. Following the speech, Eunsol had a Q&A session with the representatives of the National Assembly and answered technical questions and how the technology can be applied to the public sector. He also had an opportunity to discuss with the representatives how the technology-related laws can be improved to invigorate the blockchain industry in Korea. After the meeting, the representatives of the National Assembly Research Service stated that they would continue their research in legislation and policy to support the growth of blockchain ecosystem.

2) MediBloc team at a conference for dental surgeons (April 19)

Allen Wookyun Kho gave a keynote speech at a conference for dental surgeons on April 19. Allen started the lecture by explaining the blockchain technology and described the benefits that MediBloc platform would bring to healthcare providers.

MediBloc records the hash value of patients’ health data in the blockchain, and the data can be viewed and updated by healthcare providers if the owner(patient) grants access. Through MediBloc, healthcare providers can offer a higher quality of medical treatment to patients based on a complete indexed history of their health data, and expand their services to offering second opinions or telemedicine.

[MediBloc in the Media]

1) Check medical treatment information on blockchain application… Hospitals to provide personalized service by Sedaily
*Link: http://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/1RY6V1RZHC

2) MediBloc partners with burn therapy medical center and medical record system provider by ZDNet Korea
*Link: http://www.zdnet.co.kr/news/news_view.asp?artice_id=20180413123548

3) In South Korea, overseas cryptocurrency offerings skirt local clampdown by Reuters
*Link: https://uk.reuters.com/article/us-crypto-currencies-southkorea/in-south-korea-overseas-cryptocurrency-offerings-skirt-local-clampdown-idUKKBN1HO0Z6

[Official Communication Channels]

We will only share our news and announcements through our official channels. Don’t trust any information that comes from sources other than the ones listed below!

For community updates:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/medibloc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_MediBloc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/13294985/
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@medibloc
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/MediBloc_official/
Telegram: https://t.me/medibloc/

If you’re interested in applying for MediBloc’s partnership program, please click the link below! We’ll review and respond as soon as possible.

For other inquiries and questions, please use FAQ page on our website or our official Telegram chat!

Thank you for your continued support and we’ll be back in two weeks!

👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org

MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain experts. Both founders are computer scientists, but prior to establishing the team, they had worked in medical industry as certified physician and dental surgeon. As a team, MediBloc aims to tackle the problems entrenched in PHR market and return the ownership of personal health information to individual patients using blockchain technology.

