Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2018


We’ll be sharing our news and updates every other Tuesday so stay tuned! This is what we’ve been up to the past two weeks.

[Community Updates]

1) MediBloc at BIO KOREA (May 9)

Eunsol Lee, co-founder of MediBloc, gave a keynote speech at BIO KOREA, an international convention hosted by North Chungcheong Province and Korea Health Industry Development Institute. The convention aims to introduce new bioindustry businesses and technologies and holds various programs including exhibition, business forum, conference, MedTech fair, job fair, etc.

2) MediBloc at KAIST Startup Summit in Pangyo (May 9)

Wookyun Kho, co-founder of MediBloc, attend Healthcare & Blockchain Startup Summit in Pangyo, hosted by KAIST Startup Alliance. Wookyun, an alumnus of KAIST, explained how the blockchain technology can be applied in the healthcare industry and what MediBloc aims to achieve as a decentralized PHR platform.

3) MediBloc at Hanyang Future Forum (May 11)

Eunsol Lee gave a keynote speech at the 16th Hanyang Future Forum hosted by Hanyang University. The first speech was ‘Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Corporate governance’ by Prof. Kyunghoon Bae, followed by Eunsol’s speech where he explained the blockchain technology, PHR and what MediBloc aims to achieve by creating a decentralized PHR platform.

4) MediBloc at Global Issue 2018 <Blockchain 3.0, the Encryption of Innovation> (May 17)

Eunsol Lee gave a keynote speech at <Global Issue 2018: Blockchain 3.0, the Encryption of Innovation>, a forum hosted by MTN. The forum focuses on assessing the current blockchain market, how to increase the efficiency of the industry, and future business opportunities.

[MediBloc in the Media]

1) Cryptography and Privacy Protection by ZDNet Korea
*Link: http://www.zdnet.co.kr/news/news_view.asp?artice_id=20180508180552&type=det&re=

2) Blockchain Fever Also Grips Medical, Healthcare Industry by Business Korea
*Link: http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=22090

3) MediBloc and Deloitte partnership agreement by Sedaily
*Link: http://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/1RZJ1UFYI2

4) Blockchain-based healthcare services by MK
*Link: http://news.mk.co.kr/newsRead.php?year=2018&no=306354

Thank you for your continued support and we’ll be back in two weeks!

👉🏻MediBloc Official Website: https://medibloc.org
👉🏻MediBloc Official Telegram (ENG): https://t.me/medibloc

MediBloc is a team of medical professionals, data architects and blockchain experts. Both founders are computer scientists, but prior to establishing the team, they had worked in medical industry as certified physician and dental surgeon. As a team, MediBloc aims to tackle the problems entrenched in PHR market and return the ownership of personal health information to individual patients using blockchain technology.

