Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2023


Medipass Coinwalk Service Termination Notice

Hello, Medipass team here.

Since its launch in November 2019, Medipass has been striving to create a platform through which individuals can manage and utilize their medical/health data and become healthier. To achieve this, Medipass has linked medical institution data while providing medical convenience services such as medical record inquiries, reservations, and receptions, as well as various health management services that allow individuals to collect, manage, and utilize real-life health data.

As part of this effort, Medipass has been operating its Coinwalk and Health Mission services to further encourage voluntary health behavior and health data management, including through the introduction of a coin reward system. However, based on the results to this point, we have concluded that a major overhaul is unavoidable if we are to provide more effective services for inducing individual health and data management behavior.

Therefore, Medipass will terminate the existing Coinwalk and Health Mission services and reorganize related services based on experience gained over the years, with the aim of providing more scalable services to you. We will do our best to provide services that users need and that are helpful part of healthy lifestyles.

For those of you who have loved Coinwalk and Health Mission, we thank you for your support and hope to see you again with better services.

Service End Guide

As a result of the termination of the Coinwalk and Health Mission services, the minimum withdrawal limit that existed before will be lowered from 200MED to 1MED, and the withdrawal function will be temporarily opened so that you can withdraw your reward. If you want to withdraw the reward before the service is terminated, please withdraw it within the following period.

  • Coinwalk and Health Mission Service End Date: 2023/11/30 23:59:59
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: 2MED
  • Withdrawal period: 2023/11/30 to 2024/02/29
  • Withdrawal method: Launch the app -> More -> MED Coin -> Withdraw For detailed instructions, please check through the link below.

If you have any inquiries about the terminated services, please contact the Medipass cs email (cs@medipass.me).

Thank you.

