The Most Nutritious Vegan Foods You Can’t Do Without

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3 min readFeb 21, 2019

If you have decided to go vegan, you will need a list of the most nutritious vegan foods to ensure that your body is properly nourished. Read on to know more about these foods.


One orange can fulfil your day’s quota of vitamin C and antioxidants. It can prevent cancerous cells from forming in the lung, breast, colon, and skin. It also raises insulin levels and helps fight diabetes.

If the common cold is a constant companion, eat oranges to boost your immune system. This fruit is also good for your heart as it maintains optimal blood pressure levels and lowers blood cholesterol. To determine if your cholesterol levels are within the normal range, you can consult a doctor on MediBuddy.


An apple is considered a complete fruit as it contains every nutrient you might need- vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibres. It keeps your heart healthy by lowering blood pressure and keeping bad cholesterol in check. Studies have shown that apples improve blood supply to the brain and drastically reduce the risk of strokes. They also prevent dementia and cognitive impairment.


The humble banana is packed with nutrients that nourish your body. The antioxidants present in it keep your heart healthy and improve your immunity. Many athletes consider banana a staple due to its potassium and carbohydrate combination — both needed to combat fatigue.

It also prevents the onset of diabetes and reduces the risk of kidney disorders.


Spinach contains a variety of vitamins that strengthen the immune system and promote blood clotting. It keeps your bones strong, prevents anaemia, reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes, and improves sight.


Their anti-inflammatory properties make them very effective against arthritis. They help in weight loss, and help repair damaged tissues and muscles, stabilizes blood pressure. Beets also boost cognitive ability.


Tomatoes are anti-carcinogenic and one of your most potent weapons against all kinds of cancer. They are loaded with calcium and that helps improve bone density. It also protects your lungs from the adverse effects of air pollution.

The vitamins present in tomatoes control your blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol level. They also contain plenty of fibres that help with bowel movement.

Garden Peas

These legumes help lower hypertension. Including them in your meal ensures that your blood sugar level does not shoot up. Peas are a rich source of fibres that keep your intestines healthy and prevent the onset of gastrointestinal diseases. To determine


No list of most nutritious vegan foods is complete without almonds. They are vital for brain health. They contain loads of Vitamin E, which prevents cognitive decline. Almonds are also good for maintaining heart health, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol level. Eat at least 8–10 soaked almonds every day for maximum benefits.


Going on a vegan diet will do you a world of good, but only if you stock up on the most nutritious vegan foods. These wonder foods will ensure that you stay disease-free.




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