Celebrities in the cannabiz

Samantha Mealman
Medical Marijuana
Published in
5 min readMar 20, 2019

Isn’t it crazy to think that when you hit your blunt, your fav celeb could be too? I think everyone will find it interesting to see which one of your celeb crushes is apart of the infamous cannabiz.


As I was researching who may be apart of this there were several people who caught my eye and made me wonder. “Who smokes?” Gwyneth Paltrow (aka Pepper, Iron Man’s wife) she’s a great actress and apart of a company called Goop which is known for being a lifestyle company. Goop also teamed up with dispensary chain MedMen in the recent year to help improve others live by selling a vape pen, CBD patch, a bath bomb, and marijuana infused herbal tea. I would say most of these product still support a healthy lifestyle just as Goop once since ya know marijuana is a plant.


The next person I found to be very interesting was Steve Jobs. As some of you may or may not know Steve Jobs heavily used LSD and apparently also used marijuana regularly to help get the creative juices going. As Jobs said “The best way I would describe the effect of the marijuana and the hashish is that it would make me relaxed and creative.” No wonder apple is so dope. (omg I bet he used to smoke out of an apple).


I think this next one will get us all, Martha Stewart. Yes your mother did buy her recipe book, and cooks you one of her meals every week. I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise as Martha does have a show with Snoop Dogg on VH1’s Martha and Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party. Since Snoop is one of the most well known marijuana users, and him and Martha have a sort of connection while on the show together. Something Martha once said was “So someone smokes marijuana? Big deal! People smoke cigarettes and die from cancer. I haven’t heard of anybody dying from cannabis.” you go queen stating your facts. Don’t smoke cigs kids.


Now because Snoop was just brought up I feel it’s only fair to speak about him and his deal with marijuana. Snoop is always associated with marijuana for many reasons and not only because he’s a free spirit who happens to also be rapper. He has his own brand of cannabis products call “Leafs By Snoop”. Cool name I’d say. This brand includes a variation of edible marijuana products including chocolate bars, (Flavors: peaches n cream, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate with almonds, strawberry n cream with waffle bits, and blueberries n cream) fruit chews, (Flavors: strawberry, cherry, raspberry, and lemon) gummies, (Flavors: peach and cherry) drops, (Flavors: lemon, watermelon, cherry, and peach) lastly peanut butter gems. All of these edible products come at a reasonable price and have cute packaging might I add. Finally heres and inspiring quote from the Dogg “Anytime you have a couple of people smoking, they’re never hostile or angry. The area that we’re in now, I’m thankful that they’re trying to make it legalized, because with alcohol and tobacco, you see all the tragedies that have happened with that. I’m glad we can see something different. As far as me being on the forefront, for a long time I was on the wrong side, and now I’m on the right side.”


I have always been a big fan of the show Shark Tank and found entrepreneurs very interesting, which brings me to Daymond John a judge on Shark Tank. While researching him I found he made a good point when he said theres a lot of money to be made in this business, not to mention the jobs people could have while also having marijuana at their disposal. Many people also think that being apart of the cannabiz means you have to sell weed, which you don’t. Daymond said, “You want to be in the cannabis business? You don’t have to sell weed! There are a lot of people in it now who may not know how to do bookkeeping or shipping or financing or packaging. There are so many ways you can be very close to the cannabis industry. It all depends on your finding an opening and educating yourself.” you heard him people stay educated and stay open because the marijuana business is on a rise.


Nick Offerman or more formally known as the one and the only Ron Swanson from the infamous Park & Recreation. (If you haven’t seen it I highly, HIGHLY recommend). As a fan of Nick I have always seen him as a dad type of person and never someone who would support let alone smoke marijuana. After looking into it I found Nick’s views on cannabis legalization are quite progressive. A quote from nick, “Sweet, sweet lady: Marijuana is quite possibly the finest of intoxicants. It has been scientifically proven, for decades, to be much less harmful to the body than alcohol when used on a regular basis. (Google ‘Science.’) … People are constantly committing crimes while under the influence of, or looking for funding for, every other intoxicant besides marijuana. I am a supersweet teddy bear, but when I drink tequila, I want to knife somebody … When I smoke pot, I want to look at nature and laugh about everything and eat some delicious things and then sleep.” don’t we all just want to look at nature and get some yummy snacks in peace? Yes, yes we do.

Ron Swanson


Mike Tyson or Iron Mike after years of using cannabis to manage his pain has a cannabis empire of his own. His company, Tyson Holistic Holdings, has a line of hemp infused products. Along with this there is Tyson ranch 420-acre property in Palm Springs/Desert Hot Springs that will include luxury glamping, a cannabis University, a holistic resort, two stadiums, a wave pool, and the world’s longest lazy river. Now that’s insane. And lastly a quote by Iron Mike, “After retirement, I had two surgeries and they gave me obituates. They would wear me out and have me thinking crazy. I started smoking marijuana and getting better effects. It was just what I needed, and I never knew it.” Maybe it’s something more people need but they just don’t know it yet.




