Inside Medicalchain Issue #4

Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2018

Welcome to the fourth issue of Inside Medicalchain, a monthly newsletter written to update our community on the progress of our project.

If you missed the third issue you can catch up by clicking here.

Product Development

The team at Medicalchain are hard at work preparing version one of The application is currently undergoing final testing before it is launched at The Groves Medical Group Community Summer Fun Day, on Monday 23rd July.

Attendees will be able to sign up to preview and test the telemedicine consultation platform. Once registered, patients will be able to book and pay for GP video consultations via

Access to healthcare reports, completed by doctors, will be visible to patients and secured by Medicalchain’s blockchain technology. Post consultation reports are the first step to building every patient’s personal health passport, which will be immediately accessible and shareable via Medicalchain.

Engineers and UX designers will be onsite, alongside the rest of our team to educate the general public on the benefits of blockchain technology and record all feedback from patients and doctors attending the event.

If you are a resident of the UK and you would like to attend our event on Monday 23rd July, please RSVP on the Facebook event page.

If you are unable to attend do not worry, you will not miss out! We will be documenting the launch and sharing all of the pictures and videos across social media.

Follow the launch on Facebook, Twitter, and join the Medicalchain community on Telegram.

Media Coverage

Watch Mo Tayeb, Co-Founder and COO of Medicalchain, with the renowned Chelsea Roh, in her interview series: Crypto and Coffee with Chelsea. :)

Health Data Management, a resource dedicated to Healthcare IT Leaders wrote about our Joint Working Agreement with the Mayo Clinic — Read here

Medicalchain was featured in the BMJ, one of the world’s most prestigious general medical journals! Read the article here.

1-hour podcast interview of Dr. Abdullah Albeyatti (CEO Medicalchain), with Ray Dogum of Health Unchained. “Improved Access to Medical Records” — Listen here.

Medicalchain AMA (June)

Dr Abdullah Albeyatti, discussing the latest from Medicalchain.


Robert Miller, sat on the panel discussion “ICOs and Financing of Blockchain Startups and Initiatives,” at The Healthcare Blockchain SUMMIT.

“Thought leaders from across the blockchain in healthcare industry converged on Boston to come together for The Second Annual Healthcare Blockchain Summit. Presentation content was level headed and pragmatic; the excessive hype normally associated with blockchain was cut out. Instead there was a focus on implementation and what needs to happen for blockchain in healthcare adoption. I was excited to play a role, giving a taxonomy of cryptoassets and sharing what we have learned at Medicalchain.”

Robert Miller

The Future of Blockchain & the Crypto Universe @ Barclays Rise London Accelerator

Natalie Furness, Medicalchain’s Director of Communication presented and answered questions on the implementation of blockchain technology in healthcare.

“It was wonderful to share the details of, with our community in London. The audience was particularly interested in whether they too, would be able to download the application and utilise MedTokens on our platform, during the pilot with the Groves Medical Group. I explained that UK citizens will be able to download the application, following the launch however, individuals are welcome to register with The Groves Medical Group to become part of the trial. Alternatively, anyone can advise their practice to contact Medicalchain, if they would like to utilise our technology.”

Natalie Furness

Join Natalie and the team at the pilot launch on Monday, 23rd July at 11:30 RSVP here.

Blockchain Create : Osaka & Tokyo (June 14–15)

Medicalchain’s COO Mo Tayeb, talks about Medicalchain’s upcoming pilot, and the launch of — More information

“We have a very good relationship with our Japanese supporters, who continue to promote the Medicalchain project. Our visit in June was a success, which is evidenced in our ever-growing Japanese community, across our social media platforms.”

Mo Tayeb

Social Media

Thank you to everyone that has asked us questions and engaged with our community management team. Tim Robinson, and his team are very happy to be in a position that they can talk to everyone personally. If you have not had the chance to say hello yet, please click on one of the groups to join the discussion!

Join a Medicalchain Community Today!

Don’t Forget To Sign Up For Your Free Healthcare Passport

The Medicalchain Health Passport signup is live! Prospective patients and medical practitioners can register their interest now, by clicking here.

Next month

  • Feedback from the Launch
  • Listen to users’ views about the platform
  • Watch our team engage with patients and doctors at The Groves Medical Group.
  • Learn about new prospective partnerships

To Our Community…….

Thanks for reading the fourth newsletter of Inside Medicalchain. For more information on where to purchase our tokens (MTN), click here.

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Follow the development of Medicalchain on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and join the community on Telegram.




Blockchain technology for secure storage and transfer of electronic health records. Telegram | Twitter