Does Lion’s Mane Affect Libido and Hair Loss? Let’s Unravel the Myths and Facts

Florida Shroom King
Medicinal Mushrooms
5 min readJun 18, 2023


In recent years, there’s been an ongoing virtual debate about the effects of Lion’s Mane on libido and DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The chatter is mostly fueled by anecdotal evidence and personal experiences shared on mostly on Reddit. Despite the growing interest, scientific evidence linking Lion’s Mane to changes in libido and DHT is scant and unclear. I’ll deep-dive into the topic, separating facts from myths and providing a well-rounded view on the matter.

Before we delve into the Lion’s Mane debate, it’s crucial to understand what testosterone is and why it’s important. Testosterone, predominantly seen as a male hormone, is essentially a sex steroid that plays a pivotal role in both males’ and females’ overall health and well-being.

Testosterone is instrumental in the development of male reproductive organs and tissues like the testes, prostate, and other reproductive organs. It also aids in the growth of body hair and an increase in bone and muscle mass.

In females, testosterone is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, with most of it being converted into the main female sex hormone, oestradiol.

Testosterone is responsible for signaling the body to produce new blood cells, maintaining the strength of muscles and bones, and enhancing libido in both men and women. Thus, any fluctuations in testosterone levels can significantly impact our body’s functioning and overall sense of well-being.

The Production of Testosterone in Our Body

Testosterone production is primarily regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. These glands ensure that the body maintains an optimal level of testosterone, which can often be converted into another hormone called DHT.

The Consequences of Low Testosterone Levels

There’s a widespread concern that consuming Lion’s Mane may cause a decrease in testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels can result in decreased sex drive, reduced energy levels, weight gain, feelings of depression, mood swings, low self-esteem, reduced body hair, and thinner bones.

Despite these potential negative effects, it’s important to note that there is no scientific evidence to substantiate the claim that Lion’s Mane reduces testosterone or DHT levels.

The Lion’s Mane and DHT Debate: The Current State of Affairs

The buzz about Lion’s Mane being a DHT blocker has its roots in various online forums and blogs. Many of these platforms reference a mysterious study, but none provide a link or citation to it.

The claim about Lion’s Mane impacting libido appears to be largely based on speculation and anecdotal evidence, primarily from Reddit threads. An image from Paul Stamets’ book, “Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World,” often circulates in these discussions.

Reishi Mushrooms and The Confusion They Cause

Adding to the confusion, many forums incorrectly reference a study about the anti-androgenic activities of reishi mushrooms. This study, conducted on rat cells, examines the impact of reishi mushrooms on 5α-reductase levels.

Unfortunately, many people mistake Hericium ramosum, mentioned in the study, for Lion’s Mane, which is actually Hericium Erinaceus. These are two different strains of mushrooms, and thus, findings related to one cannot be applied to the other.

The Reality: No Scientific Evidence Correlates Lion’s Mane to DHT Blockers

After thorough research, we found no scholarly article, review, or scientific study linking Lion’s Mane to any known DHT blockers, reduction in testosterone, or loss of libido. Therefore, any claim about Lion’s Mane being a “known DHT blocker” is not based on scientific evidence as of current knowledge.

The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, found in small amounts in muscles, converts testosterone to DHT. However, its role in mediating testosterone’s effects on muscle and sexual function remains unclear.

Therefore, it would be premature to claim that 5-alpha reductase in Lion’s Mane acts as a DHT blocker. More research is needed to make any definitive conclusions.

Can Lion’s Mane Increase Testosterone Levels?

While there’s no concrete evidence to support the idea that Lion’s Mane can decrease testosterone levels, some conjectural correlations suggest it might help increase them.

Lion’s Mane is known to have potential benefits for the brain, which could indirectly improve testosterone levels. For instance, a double-blind study showed that it could reduce cognitive impairment in older adults. Additionally, an in-vitro study suggested that Lion’s Mane could aid nerve regeneration.

However, these studies don’t directly link Lion’s Mane to testosterone levels. More research is needed to understand the exact relationship.

Does Lion’s Mane Decrease Libido?

One of the primary concerns about lowered DHT levels is the potential for decreased libido. However, only a small percentage of people using DHT-blocking drugs report a loss of libido. Furthermore, some men experience decreased libido even with normal testosterone levels.

Therefore, it’s essential to consult your doctor about your hormone and libido levels if you’re concerned. Self-diagnosis or reliance on anecdotal evidence from internet forums may not provide accurate or reliable information.

The Potential Role of Cordyceps in Increasing Testosterone Levels

Cordyceps, another functional mushroom, has shown promising initial research results that suggest an increase in testosterone levels. A 2017 study on mice revealed that cordyceps could stimulate pathways regulating steroidogenesis, potentially leading to increased testosterone production.

However, these findings are preliminary, and more research is needed to confirm the effects of cordyceps on human testosterone levels.

Continue Learning and Stay Informed

In conclusion, while there’s ongoing speculation about Lion’s Mane’s effects on libido and DHT levels, the scientific evidence is currently insufficient to make definitive claims. As always, we recommend involving your healthcare provider in decisions related to your hormone levels and natural remedies.

In the meantime, continue learning and staying informed about the topic. Remember, knowledge is power, and the more you know, the better decisions you can make about your health.

Remember, each person’s body responds differently to natural remedies, so it’s important to monitor your body’s reactions and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Your health and well-being are always the top priority.



Florida Shroom King
Medicinal Mushrooms

Central Florida Mycologist with a passion for the fungi-human health integration potential of medical mushrooms like Lions Mane and Ultrasound assisted extracts