Eye Care and Health Guidelines

Darshita Prathap
Medicine Encompassed
3 min readJul 27, 2020

By Sophie Steidle

Image by Eye Care Associates of Denton via https://haqeye.com/general-eye-care/

Whether we like it or not, we only have one set of eyes. Only one set. We ask a lot out of our only set of eyes, from helping us type away at our computers at night to binge-watching our favorite shows on Netflix.. To protect arguably one of our most important organs, there are a few specific guidelines to follow and include in your daily routine.

One of the most significant, yet overlooked components contributing to good eye health is following a healthy diet (Meixner). How does what you put in your body affect your visional organs you ask? The vitamins that can be found in fruits and vegetables provide key nutrients for the eyes (Meixner). An article by Healthline, “The 9 Most Important Vitamins for Eye Health,” lists specific vitamins that we should include in our diet to ensure good eye health. The article lists 9 vitamins: A, E, C, B6, B9, B12, Riboflavin, Niacin, Lutein, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, and Thiamine. All of these are essential to helping “prevent or slow the progression of several different eye conditions” (Meixner).

This one may seem rather obvious, but should still be mentioned; sunglasses are one of the most commonly used instruments that ensure good eye care. Medline Plus, an extension of the National Library of Medicine, states that “Sun exposure can damage your eyes and raise your risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration” (“Eye Care | Vision Care”). Cataracts cause cloudy spots on the eyes and are linked to blurry vision (“Cataracts Center”). Macular-degeneration results in vision loss that can progress with age and lead to blindness (Kozarsky). While picking out a proper pair of Sunglasses, it is important to make sure that they do more than just look good. The American Academy of Ophthalmology states that shoppers should make sure that sunglasses block 100 percent of UV rays and provide proper coverage of the eyes. Additionally, shoppers shouldn’t worry about cost, color, or darker lenses, since these factors don’t necessarily mean better protection and eye safety (“How to Choose the Best Sunglasses”).

Last but not least, it is essential to give your eyes a rest! With computer screens and technology providing additional and constant eye strain as we go about our normal activities, our eyes never seem to get some time off. MedlinePlus states that a good rule of thumb to avoid eye irritation while working on the computer or staring at technology is to “try the 20–20–20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds” . By incorporating a time that you can power down the computers and store away the tablets, you are taking another step towards better eye care and health (“Eye Care | Vision Care”).


“Cataracts Center: Symptoms, Causes, Tests, and Treatments.” WebMD, WebMD, www.webmd.com/eye-health/cataracts/default.htm#:~:text=Cataracts are cloudy areas in,Cataracts are treated with surgery.

Envisioneyecare. “10 Foods That Can Help Improve Your Vision.” Asheville Optometrists & Eyewear: Envision Eyecare, Envisioneyecare Https://Www.myenvisioneyecare.com/Wp-Content/Uploads/2015/02/envision_logo.Png, 3 May 2015, www.myenvisioneyecare.com/10-foods-that-can-help-improve-your-vision/.

“Eye Care | Vision Care.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 4 June 2020, medlineplus.gov/eyecare.html.

“How to Choose the Best Sunglasses.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 30 Mar. 2016, www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/top-sunglasses-tips.

Kozarsky, Alan. “Macular Degeneration (AMD): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention.” WebMD, WebMD, 26 Oct. 2019, www.webmd.com/eye-health/macular-degeneration/age-related-macular-degeneration-overview#:~:text=Age-related macular degeneration (AMD,called the macula, wears down.

Meixner, Makayla. “The 9 Most Important Vitamins for Eye Health.” Healthline, Healthline Media, www.healthline.com/nutrition/eye-vitamins#section9.

