Overview of Eczema: Symptoms and Therapies

Darshita Prathap
Medicine Encompassed
3 min readJul 14, 2020

Written By: Cole Stotlar

Eczema refers to a condition where the skin is inflamed. The skin becomes rough, itchy, red, and cracked — common symptoms in all types of eczema (Watson, 2020). Eczema affects nearly 31.6% of the United States population, where a majority develops it as infants and symptoms progress to adulthood. Atopic dermatitis is the most commonly known eczema (McIntosh, 2017). Atopic describes illnesses involving the immune system, while dermatitis means skin inflammation (Nazario, 2020).

Atopic dermatitis occurs concurrently with hay fever and asthma. Its causes are flawed genes, dry skin, allergens, and deficient immunity (“Atopic dermatitis (eczema) — Symptoms and causes,” n.d.). Neurodermatitis resembles atopic dermatitis, but its cause is unknown, though it has been linked with stress (Maryum Agha, Asim, Alam, & Wahid, 2016). Its patches can affect the whole skin’s surface and bleed if scratched.

Nummular eczema is another more severe type distinguished by itchy round spots on the skin, which may become scaly. Atopic dermatitis and contact with allergens such as chemicals and metals can trigger nummular eczema (Watson, 2020).

Contact dermatitis occurs when you come into contact with irritants or allergens that your skin’s immunity cannot resist (Agarwal et al., 2014). Irritants and allergens include skincare products, metals, smoke, poisonous plants, paint, latex, and detergents (McIntosh, 2017). Hand eczema is an instant sign of contact dermatitis, especially for people who work in hairdressing, healthcare, and laundry (Pongdee, n.d.).

The other type is dyshidrotic eczema, which is more common in women than men (Maryum Agha et al., 2016). Its primary causes include having damp hands and feet for a long period of time, allergens, a stressful lifestyle, and contact with metals like chromium and nickel (Watson, 2020).

Lastly, stasis dermatitis causes fluid to leak out of the veins and fill the skin. Its symptoms commonly affect the legs on varicose veins patients, especially on upper and lower limbs surfaces (Wang, Li, Shi, Zhou, & Shen, 2018). The limbs swell and ache when you swing them or walk (Nazario, 2020).

The available treatment for all eczema types includes antibacterial drugs (Watson, 2020), anti-inflammatory creams and ointments, and antihistamines (McIntosh, 2017). Prescribed ointments keep the skin supple while sunscreens offer phototherapy (“Atopic dermatitis (eczema) — Symptoms and causes,” n.d.).

A vast portion of eczema can be prevented through a change of lifestyle, whilst symptoms can be reduced medically.


Agarwal, U. S., Besarwal, R. K., Gupta, R., Agarwal, P., & Napalia, S. (2014). Hand eczema. Indian journal of dermatology, 59(3), 213–224. https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5154.131372s

Atopic dermatitis (eczema) — Symptoms and causes. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/atopic-dermatitis-eczema/symptoms-causes/syc-20353273

Maryum Agha, D. H., Asim, D. S. A., Alam, D. M. Z., & Wahid, P. Z. (2016). Eczema; Frequency of Different Types in a Tertiary Care Hospital. The Professional Medical Journal, 23(01), 60–64. https://doi.org/10.17957/tpmj/16.3144

McIntosh, J. (2017). Eczema: Symptoms, treatment, and causes. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/14417

Nazario, B. (2020). Eczema. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/guide/atopic-dermatitis-eczema#1

Pongdee, T. Eczema Atopic Dermatitis | AAAAI. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from https://www.aaaai.org/conditions-and-treatments/library/allergy-library/eczema-atopic-dermatitis

Wang, X., Li, L., Shi, X., Zhou, P., & Shen, Y. (2018). Itching and its related factors in subtypes of eczema: A cross-sectional multicenter study in tertiary hospitals of China. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28828-6

Watson, S. (2020). 7 Types of Eczema: Symptoms, Causes, and Pictures. Retrieved 1 July 2020, from https://www.healthline.com/health/types-of-eczema

