Courtni Hale
Church Of The Natural Law
14 min readMar 3, 2020


Changing Your Mind with Ayahuasca:

Instructions for those Seeking to Attend Training & Ceremony with our Traditional Community in New Mexico

For a Video on What is a Medicine Person:

You Can Change Your Mind.

Your brain is like the Earth, and your thought patterns are much like flows of water. The longer and harder the patterns have been flowing, the deeper the river and the harder the change. But the earth of your brain can be molded, the flows of water (neural pathways) redirected and retrained with the assistance of Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies and personal work.

The Ancient Peoples understood from experience and insight that we have an Achilles Heel. Human beings, once programmed, for better or for worse, will continue to behave the same way without much consciousness. Old patterns become worn in, unless we have the Sacred Science of Ceremony and assistance of Plant Medicine. At Retreat, during Ceremony and Training, You are here to make NEW neural networks, not to reinforce old patterns.

Neural Plasticity (the ability to rewire our nervous system/ redirect the flows of water) is real, and we can assist you in your Journey to change your mind, literally. We are not actually tied to suffer from disease, our parents’ mistakes, or anxiety, substance abuse etc.

But What do You Want?

You have a Driver (Spirit) and a Vehicle (Body). They are not one and the same. You will have to do the personal work on your body as it is the vehicle for your spirit. You will have to examine your Road Map too and ask yourself important questions about where you are going. Your vehicle and your Spirit will Need taking care of like Driver and Vehicle do.

We’re here to help you understand your Road Map of life, and Your Connection to Spirit, your Journey and it’s meaning. Being consciously connected to your own Spirit and the Greater Spirit. And to your Inner World, a Road Map of the terrain of Your Feelings that determines how you perceive the world.

On Your Map, there are Symbols for mountains, rivers lakes…they are all shorthand for your feelings and experiences and they are the underworld that actually move a great deal of your actions thoughts and feeling patterns.

Your Journey, Map and Compass

We are here to teach you how to use your Compass, which we also call the Medicine Wheel. Every person is here to do their own work. No one can do that for you. If your coach at the gym lifted the weights for you, would your muscles grow? If your friend takes a road trip it’s not your Journey, it’s theirs!

Do you want someone telling you the answers, or do you want Training you on How to Journey and find them yourself? We all have the right to a Spirit Connection in our Body. Why wouldn’t you want a Spiritual GPS?

The Medicine Wheel takes you into the Vortex of Power, connects you to your Spiritual GPS. Higher Consciousness is accessible with the right tools, much like Internet is invisible, so is Spirit, but it is still there!

With time and dedication you can learn to use the Medicine Wheel to access Spiritual GPS, no different than plugging into WiFi. When you have a better connection, you can download and unzip huge files on your own. Yoga, meditation, drumming, Ceremony, chanting, work with mandalas, chanting and reiki are just a few disciplines that will grow your ability to tap into your Spiritual GPS.

But if you want to be part of this magic, you must Surrender to a Set of Rules and swear on your honor that you will do your best. Sacred and only for the Select are these Teachings and yet anyone with a Pure Heart and determination will prevail!

You will have to sort through some of your Demons (limiting beliefs and trauma) and then understand, release, rewire. New insights and meaning are available, growth and happiness as well. But we can only give you training and tools, and only you can take the Journey of your Life.

If you make it through the Training, which consists of 1) Reading the Manual, 4 Steps Into the Vortex, beforehand 2) Participating in Talking Stick Circle and demonstrating some understanding of the purpose of Plant Medicine and Sacred Ceremony 3) Sweat Lodge 4) Kambo 5) Orientation before Tea Ceremony 6) Journaling 7) Personal Practice and Dietary Restrictions

Unless limited by medical conditions, we ask that you participate in these cleansing and purifying ceremonies.

For Those of you who make it through the Training to the Tea Ceremony:

We will take your keys and phones and will not return them for ANY reason before 12:00 noon on Sunday or everything is in good order. Everyone must stay on campus. No outside substances. No rude or disrespectful behaviour. Silence in the Kiva. Talking stick by the fire for personal reflection assisted by our trained staff, or the firekeeper.

When you are under the influence of the Medicine, it’s going to light up your panel of damaged wiring and triggers to see which ones it can repair. This often causes people to “trip” or to have an overwhelming sense of their emotions as those pathways light up again.

If you lay silently or sit quietly by the fire, the Medicine can do its work better. It’s a little like brain surgery on the level of Light. She (Grandmother, the Vine) is going to go in there and look at what’s going on, and try to mend the tapestry where it’s knotted. Those knots are energy blockages, like logs blocking the flow of a river of water. Once the logs are moved then things can flow again. But there may be emotional discomfort involved in the process.

You will be able to see the world in new and different ways. New pathways for the flow of thoughts and feelings that are healthier and happier, more in alignment with purpose. Most people are happy when they have a purpose. Especially happy if it’s a sacred one, kind of a magic one that really lights you up.

Grandmother knows a lot about your Heart and your Inner World. She is going to light up all of the tapestry threads that are possible for the pathways in your mind and for your purpose and abilities. Everyone has a connection to a higher source and came here with a purpose and often times when we left that purpose then we are missing a key part to our existence.

Many of us are wounded and not able to connect to higher source (Spiritual GPS) because we have been given a glitch when we were too young to argue about it. That glitch is the belief that we are limited. We are infinitely powerful, but we trade in our absolute freedom in order to be part of something that we feel is special and important, or at least vital to our survival: family, friends, society. We become domesticated in our bodies and surroundings, like a herd of animals.

In the process of domestication, or being socialized, to be a good part of the herd, many of us were injured or frightened off and haven’t had a great experience. Our parents didn’t have perfect experiences either. The behavior that caused our parents to injure us, or our teachers or lovers, was not their conscious choice either. It’s been passed on for a long time.

Forgiveness is Something We do for Ourselves.

We have armoring and wounds and they show up in different ways. Self-medication and numbing as well as disease and fat/ eating disorders are common symptoms also.

At the root it is the same. The Illusion of Lack of Love, the inability to connect to our Spiritual GPS and read our Map, which gives us meaning and purpose on our Journey. The belief in the Lie of Separation from Spirit or Banishment from our happy, innocent place on Earth, once called Eden. But Eden is everywhere, we never left the garden, never have been truly disconnected from our spirits. We were made to believe that we don’t deserve to be happy, and incentivized to throw away our lives for material things and miss the moments.

Feelings Matter. They are what actually attracts reality. And your “reality” is actually only a tiny fragment of the actual reality surrounding you, a little tiny speck at the end of a ten foot pole. You are only registering 3% of reality. Your brain can only process 3% of what’s going on and selects it out based on your programming. Medicine will allow you to experience a great deal more.

Your programming, your panel so to speak, the neural networks that light up, are actually able to change to perceive things differently and experience a different set of responses. You’ll need to detox and nourish with some supplements before and after Ceremony, but it’s all possible. We can also live longer and healthier if we want to. Most diseases can be repaired and we can even change our DNA. The Vine, or Grandmother, has a Consciousness Connecting ability and can assist you in plugging into things you were not previously aware of.

We are Light-and-Body, Car and Driver. But what is the purpose of your Journey? Why are you here? What makes you feel good?

It’s NOT the same answer for everyone and that’s your personal treasure. Finding the Force means figuring out what Lights You Up.

What we have is a time tested formula for assisting you in that Journey.

It’s called Ceremony and Community. But it comes with Rules of Engagement and you must have respect for this Ancient Tradition, as it is very Sacred and many people have sacrificed their lives to protect it.

Golden Rule — Church of the Natural Law

We have a Universal Native American Church which allows us to legally work with Plant Medicine in a Traditional Native way. It’s your right to this Religious Freedom whether you are Native or not. We have one main law, (a Shamanic version of the Golden Rule):

As you do Onto Others you are Doing Onto Yourself.

When you send poison to others you are actually only poisoning yourself. When you forgive and hold love in your heart, they also feel that love and so do you. You don’t have to hold onto the past. It’s gone and you can’t change it, except by freeing yourself.

You can make any dream you want come true, or at the very least you can Enjoy the Journey of trying. It’s the experience and the Consciousness of our Journey that makes it amazing.

Getting to know other people, falling in love with Life, releasing and growing. That’s our purpose. To make a garden together. What most people feel sad about and what is missing is Connection to others and connection to purpose, because connection gives us Meaning.

It remains part of our nature to want to be part of something, and if we can reverse engineer or something that will allow for us to have a beautiful community and live in harmony together, that is our highest goal in our Community.

But we have to debug each other and whether or not you remain part of our community, it does exist, like an Urban Tribe. We are what is re-emerging and we are honest, kind and fair.

You will need to learn to trust and behave in a way that makes you trustworthy. You will have to follow ALL of the rules AT ALL times.

When triggered, people project on each other.

The deeper the wound, the more invested they are in protecting it.

If you are feeling angry, it is because fear is beneath there. There is a pattern you learned when you were so young that you don’t remember where the pattern of pain comes from. Someone scratched your record and you need to decide what you want to rewrite.

When we were branded as property of the Machine, it was done without our actual consent. But now…

You are at a Monumental Crossroads of Opportunity.

You are at an intersection where you can Consciousness choose your Emotional Freedom. No one can make this choice for you. The Medicine and the Technology to choose the Highest and Happiest Path for yourself is Here and Now. If you have chosen to attend this Training to undergo Neurological rewiring, reweaving, then, know that you will not come back as the same person. It will require effort and courage and transparency, vulnerability.

Emotional Bullying, projecting or aggression will get your removed from the group until you can personally process what your reaction is trying to help YOU release.

Guidelines for you to Understand.

No Cross-Talk Allowed. Period. In the Jungle, most people are not able to communicate with their shaman. The good news is that we are able to communicate with each other. But that does not give anyone the right to abuse that privilege. Be respectful at all times.

It is my absolute right to keep you all safe that at any moment in time for any reason, and it may not even be discussed with you, that you will leave the Sacred Lodge.

When we are in Ceremony you will be silent and still. Respect what the staff asks you to do, no matter how you feel about it. Having a tantrum or a punishing attitude will get you removed to a tent where you will take a sleeping bag and lay silently.

Like a belligerent drunk, you are not able to make good decisions, you’re having a trip where you are projecting your beliefs into someone.

The Ceremonial Leader is not your mom or dad, and does not at all possess the same characteristics.

If you are feeling anger or cannot follow the rules, it’s your issues coming up. Sit quietly with it and ask yourself how it feels to carry around that toxicity.

Wouldn’t it feel better to just leave it outside for a while and try something new? Based on the Courage and Work you put in, you can have whatever you want.

Still, it is likely that you will feel triggered and not have the courage to face that it’s your own issue, at some moment. It can be overwhelming to experience the things we have buried, which are painful, and are blocking our connection to Spirit. As the Medicine is opening up that panel in your nervous system in order to examine and repair it, there will be some discomfort. It’s ok, but don’t freak out and spew or project that on others.

Breathe and be Brave. Take Heart and remember that Sacred Space.

There is goodness and light at your core. You are beautiful and meaningful. It is never too late to have Courage. Corazón, heart, sacred, curar, these are all the Language of the Heart.

99.9% of our Universe is Consciousness. She is the Feminine Matrix, and she is a field of light seeds, willing and responsive to respond.

Those Light seeds travel a web of electromagnetic fields in order to congeal, become Manifest. They filter down like jewels and become solid. A lot of your experience is dictated by beliefs. Belief actually is Reality.

You are here to receive the Teachings, or Instructions you will need in order to be successful.

When we are in Ceremony it’s not a trip or a place to air dirty laundry. It’s a place to learn how to Heal and Grow, and it needs to be a safe, clean, natural and transparent place.

You must listen carefully to others and be quiet, listen with both ears and your heart and a quiet mind. Learn to breathe deeply. Your actions and decisions will affect others.

If you directly disrespect the Ceremonial Leader or the Staff you will not be invited back until you have made enough personal progress so as to be able to follow the guidelines. In thought, word and deed.

If you do not like following the rules of Respect (Personal Responsibility and Absolute Do No Harm) and Silence, you should not come here. At Retreat, during Ceremony and Training, You are here to make NEW neural networks, not to reinforce old patterns.

Read Aloud By the Sacred Fire, Before We Enter the Lodge:

We are here to enter into Sacred Space. The purpose of working this way is to shift previous thoughts, feelings and patterns.

At this point all of you need to have fully read and understood the rules and conditions of your training. Silence during Ceremony in the Lodges. Respectful appropriate dialogue by the Sacred Fire. Personal accountability for emotions.

This is a Teaching and a Training. Not a recreational adventure or pleasure TRIP. And we have Rules, which you must follow at all times, period. If you cannot follow the rules of silence and respect, you will have to leave. Do your own personal work and take responsibility, for that is the only way to Change Your Mind and heal.

You cannot buy Medicine, or a Journey!! We are a Church and only members that have shown a sincere desire to know the greater truths are eligible to receive our most sacred sacrament “The Medicine Tea” — IF you make it through the Training. What you purchase when you come here is our time and training. A set of teachings, in writing, in a manual, combined with an Experience we call Ceremony.

This retreat is not about your parents, or your romantic partner. If we allow you to come as a couple do not engage in touching or personal history dialogues. If you are unwilling to follow instructions respectfully, it’s best you go it alone somewhere else. Medicine is NOT a magic wand. I am not your waitress and you will not ask for more tea. We all take the same amount, and quantity will not shift your experience quality. Only your attitude can do that.

The Ceremonial Leader is to be held in the utmost respect, and her Staff and other community members are also Sacred Beings, just as yourself, and no one may stay who lacks respect. Though we do care about your history, it’s not a place to air dirty laundry or rage out.

As You do Onto others you do Onto yourself. Your feelings are yours, just a compilation of choices which you now have the golden opportunity for an evolutionary rewire.



Courtni Hale
Church Of The Natural Law

Courtni “StarHeart” Hale Clan Elder and Ceremonial Leader, traditionally trained ‘Medicine Person’ or ‘Shaman’ has studied with Patricio Dominguez, Susun Weed +